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¿Cuánto sabes de…? PERú ¿Dónde está Perú? How large is Peru compared to Illinois?

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Presentation on theme: "¿Cuánto sabes de…? PERú ¿Dónde está Perú? How large is Peru compared to Illinois?"— Presentation transcript:


2 ¿Cuánto sabes de…? PERú

3 ¿Dónde está Perú?


5 How large is Peru compared to Illinois?

6 Peru is 8 ½ times larger than Illinois.

7 How large is Peru’s population compared to that of Illinois?

8 Peru’s population is more than double that of Illinois. 26.523.000 12.482.000 (2001 estimate)

9 What languages are spoken in Peru? Spanish - ~ 75% (I knew that!!) Other languages: aymará -- “Yuspagara!” Quechua – “Pachi!”

10 What is the capital city? Lima (population 7.8 million) Do they raise Lima beans there?

11 What is the unit of currency? List three important cultural sites in the capital city. Who is Mario Vargas Llosa? What is Machu Picchu ? Who lived in Peru before the arrival of the Europeans?

12 What is the unit of currency?

13 El nuevo sol

14 List three important cultural sites in the capital city.

15 Iglesia de San Francisco Museo del Oro Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología

16 Barranco “Nightlife in Lima centers around the penas, bars offering folk music, jazz, and Peruvian Creole--a music that combines European musical forms with native Peruvian, Spanish, and African rhythms and instruments. Barranco, a neighbourhood of beautiful 19th-century architecture, located by the municipal square, is the heart of the city's contemporary arts and nightlife. Miraflores is Lima's central cultural district, containing the many fine restaurants, theatres, and galleries.” cuisine.htm cuisine.htm

17 Who is Mario Vargas Llosa?

18 Mario Vargas Llosa One of South America’s leading novelists Recipient of many awards and honorary degrees “From his first works, Vargas Llosa has used a wide variety of avant-garde techniques to create an aesthetic "double of the real world." Although Vargas Llosa has followed the tradition of social protest of Peruvian fiction exposing political corruption, machismo, racial prejudices and violence, he has underlined that a writer should never preach or compromise artistic aims for ideological propaganda.”

19 What is Machu Picchu?

20 Machu Picchu “Machu Picchu (which means "manly peak") was most likely a royal estate and religious retreat. It was built between 1460 and 1470 AD by Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui, an Incan ruler. The city has an altitude of 8,000 feet, and is high above the Urubamba River canyon cloud forest, so it likely did not have any administrative, military or commercial use. ” Incan /latinamerica/south/sites/machu_pic chu.html

21 “Machu Picchu is comprised of approximately 200 buildings.. About 1,200 people lived in and around Machu Picchu, most of them women, children, and priests.” y/latinamerica/south/sites/machu_pi cchu.html y/latinamerica/south/sites/machu_pi cchu.html

22 Who lived in Peru before the arrival of the Europeans?

23 Los incas “Around the year 1200 A.D… the Incas came down from high in the Andes mountains to conquer the scattered tribes throughout the South American continent. They imposed their rule, their highly organized form of government and their spirituality on the weaker, less organized people of what is now Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and parts of Chile and Argentina.”

24 Inca art and architecture

25 Quipu “The Inca recorded numbers and perhaps other kinds of information on the knotted strings of a quipu. Inca administrators used quipus to keep accounts of items owned and in storage within their districts, such as agricultural products and livestock. Unlike pre- Columbian civilizations of Mesoamerica such as the Maya and Aztec, the Inca had no form of true writing.” hades/nativeamericans/quipu.htmInca Maya hades/nativeamericans/quipu.htm

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