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Utilizing MPG Skills Checklists: A District- wide Approach Campbell County School District Presented by Cindy Jones and Kelly Doan.

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Presentation on theme: "Utilizing MPG Skills Checklists: A District- wide Approach Campbell County School District Presented by Cindy Jones and Kelly Doan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Utilizing MPG Skills Checklists: A District- wide Approach Campbell County School District Presented by Cindy Jones and Kelly Doan

2 RATIONALE  MPG Skills Checklists will be used as a midpoint check between MAP administrations for students performing below the average RIT range on specified reading and math skills. This midpoint check will serve as an indicator of how those students are responding to RIT Band Instruction so that adjustments in instruction/intervention can be made.

3 RATIONALE  MPG Skills Checklists will also be used as diagnostic indicators of beginning kindergarten students’ skill attainment in early math and reading skills. Select MPG Skills Checklists will be administered to all kindergarten students to supplement the Kindergarten Screening Test at the beginning of the school year and at the midpoint of Trimester 1.

4 Campbell County Schools Assessment Calendar 2009-2010  Kindergarten August-September  MAP for Primary Grades PRI-READ-Screening (Early Literacy) and PRI- READ-Screening (Early Numeracy)  Voyager Reading Benchmark Assessments October  Test of Primary Reading Outcomes (T-PRO)  First Grade August-September  MAP for Primary Grades Survey with Goals Assessments for Reading and Mathematics  Voyager Reading Benchmark Assessments (Stanines 1, 2, 3) October  Test of Primary Reading Outcomes (T-PRO)

5 Curriculum Assessment Schedule for Kindergarten and First Grade cont.  Kindergarten December-January  MAP for Primary Survey with Goals for Reading and Mathematics March  Test of Primary Reading Outcomes (T-PRO) April-May  MAP for Primary Survey with Goals for Reading and Mathematics  First Grade December-January  MAP for Primary Survey with Goals for Reading and Mathematics March  Test of Primary Reading Outcomes (T-PRO) April-May  MAP for Primary Survey with Goals for Reading and Mathematics

6 Skills Checklist Assessments 10 Reading Assessments:  Consonant Blends/Digraphs  Decode: Multi-Syllable Words  Decode: Patterns/Word Families  Letter Identification  Manipulation of Sounds  Matching Letters to Sounds  Phoneme Identification  Phonological Awareness  Syllable Types:CVC, CVCe, R-control  Vowel Digraphs/Dipthongs

7 Skills Checklist Assessments 28 Mathematics Assessments:  Comp:10-Using manipulatives  Comp:10-Using numbers  Comp:10-Problem solving  Comp:20-Using manipulatives  Comp:20-Using numbers  Comp:20-Problem solving  Comp:100-No regroup-using manipulatives  Comp:100-No regroup using numbers  Comp: 100-Problem solving  Comp:100-W/regroup-using manipulatives  Comp:100-W/regroup-using numbers  Comp: 100-W/regroup- Prob.Solving/Estimating  Comp: 1000-Using manipulatives  Comp: 1000-Using numbers  Comp:1000-Prob.solving/Estimating  Number Sense: 10-Count, order, place value  Number Sense: 10-Representation  Number Sense: 20-Count, place value  Number Sense: 20-Representation  Number Sense: 20 Ordering  Number Sense: 100-Count  Number Sense: 100-Representation  Number Sense: 100-Ordering  Number Sense: 100-Place value  Number Sense: 1000-Count  Number Sense: 1000-Representation  Number Sense: 1000-Ordering  Number Sense: 1000-Place Value

8 How did we begin to design a district- wide plan?  We narrowed our focus to Kindergarten and First Grade.  Elementary principals and staff developers were asked to identify teachers from these grade levels that would be willing to participate in after-school PD academies to develop recommendations for the use of the checklists.

9 MPG Skills Checklists PD Academies  Four dates were chosen within a two-week window. Two sessions each were devoted to reading and math.  Sessions were scheduled after school for two hours each.  Recommended participants were notified via email.  Teachers could choose to use the sessions to fulfill PD requirements or could choose to submit their hours of participation for a monetary stipend.

10 MPG Skills Checklists PD Academies cont.  Sessions were held in a computer lab where all participants would have access to MAP test taker.  Participants were given student login information and were able to preview the checklists to become familiar with item content.

11 Goals/Outcomes for PD Academies  Narrow the list of checklists to be used for each grade level.  Order the checklists in terms of time period to be administered (e.g., fall, winter, spring or trimester 1,2,3).  Teachers used information from both curriculum materials and the newly proposed Kentucky core content standards for reading and math.

12 1 st Proposal READING  Kindergarten:  First of Year (Mid-September) Letter Identification  Fall (October) Phonics: Matching Letters to Sounds  Winter (January) Phonological Awareness  Spring (March) Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme Identification  End of Year (May) Phonemic Awareness: Manipulation of Sounds  First Grade:  First of year (August—OPTIONAL) Letter Identification Phonics: Matching Letters to Sounds  Fall (October) Phonological Awareness Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme Identification  Winter (January/February) Phonemic Awareness: Manipulation of Sounds Decoding: Spelling Patterns/ Word Families  Spring (Mar/Apr) Syllable Types: CVC, CVCe, R-Controlled Decoding: Consonant Blends/Digraphs

13 1 st Proposal MATH  Kindergarten:  Fall (October) Number Sense to 10-Counting, Ordering, Place Value  Winter (Jan/Feb) Number Sense to 20-Counting, Place Value  Spring (Mar/Apr) Number Sense to 10- Identifying/Representing Computation to 10- Using Manipulatives  First Grade:  Fall (October) Number Sense to 20- Ordering Computation to 10- Using Numbers  Winter (Dec/ Jan) Number Sense to 100 – Counting Computation to 10 - Problem Solving  Spring (Mar/Apr) Number Sense to 100- Ordering Computation to 20- Problem Solving

14 Principal Feedback  Proposal was posted on SharePoint for principals’ review and comments.  After a 7-day comment period, the principals’ questions and comments were reviewed.  Revisions were made and a final proposal submitted for principal review.

15 Final Proposal :Kindergarten  Reading Letter ID Phonics: Matching letters to sounds Phonological awareness** Phonemic awareness: Phoneme ID Phonemic Awareness: Manipulation of Sounds**  Mathematics Number Sense to 10- Counting, Ordering, Place Value Number Sense to 10- Identifying/Representing Computation to 10- Using Manipulatives **Optional

16 Final Proposal: First Grade  Reading Letter Identification** Phonics: Matching Letters to Sounds** Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme Identification Phonological Awareness** Phonemic Awareness: Manipulation of Sounds Decoding: Consonant Blends/Digraphs Decoding: Spelling Patterns/ Word Families** Syllable Types: CVC, CVCe, R-Controlled**  Mathematics Number Sense to 20- Ordering Computation to 10- Using Numbers Number Sense to 100 - Counting Computation to 10 - Problem Solving Number Sense to 100- Ordering** Computation to 20- Problem Solving** **Optional

17 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— READING Kindergarten:  Prior to Midpoint of Trimester 1 (Sept. 13 – Sept. 24)  *Will be given to all students. Letter Identification  1 familiarization item, 52 test items, 1 good job item  Upper case  Lower case

18 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— READING Kindergarten:  Prior to End of Trimester 1 (Nov. 3 – Nov. 12)  *Will be given to all students. Phonics: Matching Letters to Sounds  1 familiarization item, 31 test items, 1 good job item  Consonant Sounds  Vowel Sounds

19 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— READING Kindergarten:  Following Winter MAP Window:  *OPTIONAL for any student showing concerns in the area of Phonological Awareness on either MAP or T-PRO. Phonological Awareness  1 familiarization item, 35 test items, 1 good job item  Rhyming  Identifying Number of Syllables (one, two, and three)  Blending

20 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— READING Kindergarten:  Prior to Beginning of Trimester 3 (Feb. 14 – Feb. 25)  *For those students who fall within or below the 141-150 RIT range on Winter MAP and/or fall at or below the 40th percentile (4th stanine and below) on Fall T-PRO in the area of Phonics or Phonological Awareness. Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme Identification  1 familiarization item, 44 test items, 1 good job item  Initial Consonants  Final Consonants  Middle Vowels

21 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— READING Kindergarten:  March through End of Year  *OPTIONAL for any student showing concerns in the area of phonological awareness and/or phonics on either MAP or T-PRO. Phonemic Awareness: Manipulation of Sounds  1 familiarization item, 35 test items, 1 good job item  Blending of Sounds  Substitution of Sounds: Beginning, Middle, and End  Deletion of Sounds

22 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— READING First Grade:  Beginning of Trimester 1 (August 23 – September 3) or After analysis of Fall MAP scores  *OPTIONAL for any student with concerns in the area of phonics based on Spring MAP and/or T-PRO from the prior year or Fall MAP. Letter Identification  1 familiarization item, 52 test items, 1 good job item  Upper case  Lower case

23 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— READING First Grade:  Beginning of Trimester 1 (August 23 – September 3) or After analysis of Fall MAP scores  *OPTIONAL for any student with concerns in the area of phonics based on Spring MAP and/or T-PRO from the prior year or Fall MAP. Phonics: Matching Letters to Sounds  1 familiarization item, 31 test items, 1 good job item  Consonant Sounds  Vowel Sounds

24 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— READING First Grade:  Prior to End of Trimester 1 (Nov. 3 – Nov. 12)  *Given to all students falling within or below the 161-170 RIT range on Fall MAP and/or fall at or below the 40th percentile (4th stanine and below) on Fall T-PRO in the area of Phonics or Phonological Awareness. Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme Identification  1 familiarization item, 44 test items, 1 good job item  Initial Consonants  Final Consonants  Middle Vowels

25 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— READING First Grade:  Prior to End of Trimester 1 (Nov. 3 – Nov. 12)  *OPTIONAL for any student with concerns in the area of Phonological Awareness on Fall MAP or T- PRO. Phonological Awareness  1 familiarization item, 35 test items, 1 good job item  Rhyming  Identifying Number of Syllables (one, two, and three)  Blending

26 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— READING First Grade:  Prior to Beginning of Trimester 3 (Feb. 14 – Feb. 25)  *For those students who fall within or below the 161-170 RIT range on Winter MAP and/or fall at or below the 40th percentile (4th stanine and below) on Fall T-PRO in the area of Phonological Awareness. Phonemic Awareness: Manipulation of Sounds  1 familiarization item, 35 test items, 1 good job item  Blending of Sounds  Substitution of Sounds: Beginning, Middle, and End  Deletion of Sounds

27 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— READING First Grade:  Prior to Beginning of Trimester 3 (Feb. 14 – Feb. 25)  *For those students who fall within or below the 161-170 RIT range on Winter MAP and/or fall at or below the 40th percentile (4th stanine and below) on Fall T-PRO in the area of Decoding. Decoding: Consonant Blends/Digraphs  1 familiarization item, 47 test items, 1 good job item  Initial and Final Blends  Initial and Final Digraphs

28 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— READING First Grade:  March through End of Year  *OPTIONAL for any students continuing to show concerns in the area of Decoding on MAP, T-PRO, or within the classroom. Decoding: Spelling Patterns/ Word Families  1 familiarization item, 18 test items, 1 good job item  Word Families

29 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— READING First Grade:  March through End of Year  *OPTIONAL for any students continuing to show concerns in the area of Decoding on MAP, T-PRO, or within the classroom. Syllable Types: CVC, CVCe, R-Controlled  1 familiarization item, 14 test items, 1 good job item  CVC  CVCe  R- Controlled

30 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— MATH Kindergarten:  Prior to End of Trimester 1 (Nov. 3 – Nov. 12)  *Will be given to all students. Number Sense to 10-Counting, Ordering, Place Value  3 familiarization items, 31 test items, 1 good job item  Counts to 10- Forwards and Backwards  One-to-one Correspondence  Identifies Position- First, Last, and 1st – 10th  Compares Numbers using Words  Groups Objects into 10s

31 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— MATH Kindergarten:  Following Winter MAP and Prior to Beginning of Trimester 3 (Feb. 14 – Feb. 25)  *For those students who fall within or below the 141-150 RIT range on Winter MAP in the area of Number Sense. Number Sense to 10- Identifying/Representing  3 familiarization items, 34 test items, 1 good job item  Names Numeral  Represents numerals correctly  Composes and Decomposes Numbers  Identifies or Represents Whole, Part of, Half  Identifies a Penny, a Nickel, and a Dime  Identifies name of Coin worth 1cent, 5 cents, 10 cents

32 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— MATH Kindergarten:  Following Winter MAP and Prior to Beginning of Trimester 3 (Feb. 14 – Feb. 25)  *For those students who fall within or below the 141-150 RIT range on Winter MAP in the area of Computation. Computation to 10- Using Manipulatives  1 familiarization item, 20 test items, 1 good job item  Addition: Computation and Story Problems – Using Manipulatives  Subtraction: Computation and Story Problems – Using Manipulatives

33 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— MATH First Grade:  Following Fall MAP and Prior to End of Trimester 1 (Nov. 3 – Nov. 12)  *Given to all students falling within or below the 151-160 RIT range on Fall MAP in the area of Number Sense. Number Sense to 20- Ordering  1 familiarization item, 30 test items, 1 good job item  Identifies Position- 11th – 20th  Compares Numbers 1 – 20 using Words  Identifies number 1 more/less than a given number  Identifies numbers between two given numbers  Compares the value of one coin to another – penny, nickel, dime

34 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— MATH First Grade:  Following Fall MAP and Prior to End of Trimester 1 (Nov. 3 – Nov. 12)  *Given to all students falling within or below the 151-160 RIT range on Fall MAP in the area of Computation. Computation to 10- Using Numbers  1 familiarization item, 25 test items, 1 good job item  Addition: Two 1-digit numbers – horizontal and vertical  Addition: Three 1-digit numbers  Subtraction: Two 1-digit numbers – horizontal and vertical

35 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— MATH First Grade:  Following Winter MAP and Prior to Beginning of Trimester 3 (Feb. 14 – Feb. 25)  *Given to all students falling within or below the 161-170 RIT range on Fall MAP in the area of Number Sense. Number Sense to 100 - Counting  1 familiarization item, 21 test items, 1 good job item  Counts on by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s  Counts by 10s to 100

36 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— MATH First Grade:  Following Winter MAP and Prior to Beginning of Trimester 3 (Feb. 14 – Feb. 25)  *Given to all students falling within or below the 161-170 RIT range on Fall MAP in the area of Computation. Computation to 10 - Problem Solving  1 familiarization item, 10 test items, 1 good job item  Addition: Story Problems – Result Unknown  Subtraction: Story Problems – Result Unknown

37 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— MATH First Grade:  March through End of Year  *OPTIONAL for any students continuing to show concerns in the area of Number Sense on MAP or within the classroom. Number Sense to 100- Ordering  1 familiarization item, 25 test items, 1 good job item  Compares numbers  Identifies numbers 1> and < a given number  Identifies numbers between two given numbers  Orders and compares the value of coins

38 MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklists— MATH First Grade:  March through End of Year  OPTIONAL for any students continuing to show concerns in the area of Computation on MAP or within the classroom. Computation to 20- Problem Solving  1 familiarization item, 10 test items, 1 good job item  Addition: Story Problems – Result Unknown  Subtraction: Story Problems – Result Unknown

39 Anticipated Training Needs  Training should be quick and minimal.  Specific features of the individual student and Class by RIT reports need to be reviewed so that teachers can match student scores to assessment guidelines.  Some basic features of MAP test taker proctor training will need to be provided so that teachers can properly log students on and assign specific checklists.  Training will also focus on how to access the results after assessments have been administered and completed.

40 Readministration of Checklists  We have not included any specific requirements for readministration of the checklists.  It will be left to the individual teacher’s discretion whether they wish to check progress by readministering the checklists to individual students.

41 Can the checklists be used for weekly progress monitoring?  No. We have reached this conclusion after considering some specific features of the checklists.  Designed to be diagnostic.  Lengthy/time consuming.  Same questions presented in random order.

42 Format of Checklist Administration  Teachers expressed a preference for computer-lab administration for whole-class assessments.  Individual or small-group administrations would most likely occur on classroom computers (e.g., center time, morning work,).

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