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How to build hydrology resources from alumni, consultancies, and state donations Devin Castendyk State University of New York, Oneonta.

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Presentation on theme: "How to build hydrology resources from alumni, consultancies, and state donations Devin Castendyk State University of New York, Oneonta."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to build hydrology resources from alumni, consultancies, and state donations Devin Castendyk State University of New York, Oneonta

2 Situation Need to develop a well field for teaching/research No resources

3 Why well field is useful A well field or piezometer field Convince students: “Yes Virginia, there is a water table.” Practice using well dippers and map piezo surface 3 point problems Scale up from lab based “Ant Farms” A well and observation well for aquifer pump tests Chapter 5, Ground-water flow to wells (Fetter, 2001) Wells for slug tests Wells for geochemical groundwater samples Cores so that students can practice well logging Experience of observing well installation


5 Approach No. 1: Existing Infrastructure Campus Facilities Director Must consult with for future resources Two wells to monitor plume from Van Pool One well to monitor Leaky Underground Storage Tank Municipality resources (people who know wells) City Engineer: abandoned well in city park Water Treatment Plant Operator Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator

6 Approach No. 2: Approach Alumni Parrott Wolff Inc. – Drilling company in Syracuse, New York Alumni in management position Company Incentive Winter is downtime: restless drillers Company wants to train employees Market services to students who may be in a position to hire Parrott Wolff in the future Scout for new employees Tax deductable

7 Oneonta Incentive Dept. Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Student gain well logging experience (first job) Learn geostratigraphy in an unknown area Save core samples for future logging activities Use well for water table, slug tests, geochemistry College Camp (Oneonta Auxiliary Services) No underground wires/pipes (issue on campus) Enhance academic use of college property Use for their own analysis/information Alumni Affairs Great promo opportunity

8 Planning: Site Location Need site with shallow groundwater: Shallow well (~30 feet deep well) Need truck access Side of parking lot Issue later: snow plowed over, sand graded over Future student access (ideally on campus) Confirm no underground wires Memorandum of Understanding between OAS and PW










18 Other ideas: What would you do? Cone Penetrometer (direct push) Build network of piezometers Direct equipment donations Pumps Water bottles

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