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Job Coaching for Offender Populations Helping tax takers become tax makers.

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Presentation on theme: "Job Coaching for Offender Populations Helping tax takers become tax makers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Job Coaching for Offender Populations Helping tax takers become tax makers

2 The goal of this workshop Is to help: – Intensive service providers with the task of helping ex- offenders gain meaningful employment opportunities. – Intensive service providers explain the barriers facing ex-offender job seekers. – Intensive service providers develop a transition process for recently released ex-offenders. – Business service unit staff easily explain the recent EEOC policy regarding the hiring of ex-offenders.

3 In 2008, 1 in every 99.1 adults was behind bars in America More than 1.5 million were in state or federal prisons More than 700,00 were in local jails 1 in 100

4 In addition, over 4.2 million were on probation Over 800,000 were on parole In total, over 7.3 million adults were under some form of correctional control, a ratio of 1 in 31 1 in 31

5 After sharp increases in the 1980s and 1990s, the incarceration rate has recently grown at a slower pace. The Criminal Justice System Today

6 Annually, approximately 750,000 are released from state and federal prisons Over 9 million are released from local jails 95% of all offenders will return to their communities Offender Reentry

7 Definition-any problem or obstacle, real or perceived, to reaching a goal Barriers to Reentry and Employment

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