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Snacking & Metabolism. Snacking Drink plenty of water –A large % of hunger pangs are simply down to dehydration Snacking can be an important part of your.

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Presentation on theme: "Snacking & Metabolism. Snacking Drink plenty of water –A large % of hunger pangs are simply down to dehydration Snacking can be an important part of your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Snacking & Metabolism

2 Snacking Drink plenty of water –A large % of hunger pangs are simply down to dehydration Snacking can be an important part of your nutritional intake Beware of consuming too many calories in your snacks What are the benefits of snacking? –Binge control – maintaining appropriate blood sugar levels –Extra energy and nutrients –Satisfaction for small appetites – children and adults alike Choose healthy snacks

3 Snacking What healthy snack foods could be included in your diet? Fruits & Vegetables –Satisfying with no fat and low calories –eat a variety of colours for better nutrition (vitamins, minerals, fibre and other phytonutrients) Other Wholegrain & Fibre Rich Foods –Rich in fibre and complex carbohydrates, providing energy and staying power –Ryvita, rice cakes, oat cakes, soy beans, nuts & seeds, low sugar breakfast cereals (shredded wheat, muesli, weetabix) Protein rich foods –mackerel, eggs, yoghurt, cottage cheese

4 Herbalife Healthy Snacking Chocolate Protein Bars A filling 10g of protein 139 calories Formula 1 Meal Replacement Bar 7 Bars Per Box & Low GI Excellent balance of Soy Protein (12.8g), Fibre, Unsaturated Fat, Carbohydrates, And added Vitamins & Minerals Suitable for Vegetarians 207 calories

5 Metabolism Basal Metabolic Rate –Amount of calories burned by you at rest each day –It is directly related to YOUR body composition –The fat-free parts of your body dictate your metabolic rate Metabolism Myths –Aging slows your metabolism –You’re stuck with the metabolism you have & can’t change it Power your metabolism with protein –Eating plenty of protein daily is essential to maintaining your muscle mass for good health, energy and effective weight management. The chemical processes within the body that sustain life

6 Supporting Your Metabolism Eat small regular meals Engage in 30 minutes of activity every day –Try and include some weight baring Eat enough calories –Do not eat fewer than ~1,200 calories for women and ~1800 calories for men a day. –Eating too little may slow your metabolism. Never skip breakfast –It may slow down your metabolism. Snack on higher protein foods –Protein Bars, Soy Beans, Eggs, Mackerel etc

7 Herbalife & Metabolism Chocolate Protein Bars A filling 10g of protein 139 calories Thermojectics Beverage Green tea based herbal drink Weight loss programme enhancer Vitality boosting ThermoComplete Green tea based herbal tablet Contains yerba mate + other herbs Weight loss programme enhancer Vitality boosting

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