“Theme: “Live it, Share it, Extend it: The Dream of a Global Community” Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Contest.

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Presentation on theme: "“Theme: “Live it, Share it, Extend it: The Dream of a Global Community” Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Contest."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Theme: “Live it, Share it, Extend it: The Dream of a Global Community” Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Contest

2 OBJECTIVES To encourage students to understand what it means to live, share, and extend Dr. King’s dream to realize a truly global community. To encourage students to understand the impact of living, sharing, and extending Dr. King’s dream throughout the global community.

3 Your Mission… For the next 2 weeks you will be working in your 6 th block class to brainstorm, plan, design, create and evaluate an expository essay that connects to the MLKJ contest theme! Use the video, article and six principles of nonviolence to brainstorm ideas for your essay.

4 Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Contest Our theme for this year is, “Live it, Share it, Extend it: The Dream of a Global Community.” As our city continues to grow in diversity, we are ever-more challenged to live, share, and extend the principles of the dream to ensure we become the global community Dr. King challenged us to become. This year’s theme offers students the opportunity to express their understanding visually or through written expression. All district first-place winners per grade band will receive a monetary award ($$$) WAHOO! I have a dream…

5 The Theme is…. “Live it, Share it, Extend it: The Dream of a Global Community” The global community or the “Beloved Community” is a goal that Dr. King had established in the 1960’s. Read the article and explore what can be done in order to create a global community today.

6 Contest Rules: Write a 5 paragraph essay in 500 words or less including an introduction, body and conclusion. The essay can have more than 5 paragraphs Must be written in blue or black ink or typed, double-spaced in Times New Roman Entries must reflect the theme!!

7 “Live it, Share it, Extend it: The Dream of a Global Community” (sorry, last time) DATES: 10/1-watch video, answer Q’s 10/2-look at this awesome Powerpoint, read the article and six keys (brainstorm) 10/4-Outline of your essay 10/5-start writing rough draft 10/8-continue rough draft and peer edit 10/9-continue peer editing and final draft 10/11-read final drafts and judge 10/12- illustrate a cover to your essay

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