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Presentation of the CB Chairperson Candidates, 10 Dec. 2013 Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz CB Chairperson Views and Ideas.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation of the CB Chairperson Candidates, 10 Dec. 2013 Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz CB Chairperson Views and Ideas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation of the CB Chairperson Candidates, 10 Dec. 2013 Claudia-Elisabeth Wulz CB Chairperson Views and Ideas

2 C.-E. Wulz CB Chair Presentation, Dec. 2013 Personal Introduction 1 In CMS since the very beginning (heavy vector boson studies at Aachen 1990, ideas for the trigger project) Previous experiment participations: ISOLDE, UA1, RD5, NA48 ECFA and EPS HEPP Board member Current Deputy CB Chair and acting CB Chair in first half of 2014, Institute Representative for Austria and leader of the Austrian trigger group since 1993; Working with students on SUSY, and quarkonia; ARC work as member of Publications Committee for Exotica; Deputy Trigger Project Manager Experience in all principal CMS bodies (CB and CB Advisory Group, Constitutional Committee, Conference Committee Chair, Tridas Institution Board Chair, Regional Representative in the Management Board, member of Publication, Authorship and Thesis Award Committees, Muon Resources Manager and Link Person to the Funding Agencies in the Finance Board) Adjunct Professor at Vienna University of Technology: courses on particle and astroparticle physics Outreach activities on particle and astroparticle physics, media contributions

3 C.-E. Wulz CB Chair Presentation, Dec. 2013 Goals and Role of the CB Chair Team 2 Ensure the success of CMS, together with all concerned (institutions, management, individuals, funding agencies) Ensure a smooth functioning of the Collaboration by: -Providing a link between the Collaboration and Management -Participation in all Management Meetings -Weekly meeting with the Spokesperson team -Finding the best people for leadership positions -Seeking nominations widely across the Collaboration -Chairing Search Committee meetings (now annually) -Grooming future leaders -Fostering diversity -Increasing visibility and recognition of institutions and individuals -Institutional responsibilities should be presented prominently -Analysis and detector notes: make abstracts and contributors public -Publications: link analysis notes abstracts and make ARC public -Awards both inside and outside CMS -Conferences (promotion, improve material, rehearsal talks)

4 C.-E. Wulz CB Chair Presentation, Dec. 2013 Goals and Role of the CB Chair Team 3 - Avoiding conflicts before they arise -Participation in organization of physics analyses and upgrade responsibilities -Make use of the full potential of the Collaboration and develop it -Optimize institutional commitments -Explore and make use of funding opportunities -Increase recognition for detector and software work -Enlarge number of tasks with ESP credit -New collaborators, increase attractiveness to join CMS -Providing education, training and mentoring -Develop tutorials (online and in-person), courses, schools -Educating the public and our funding bodies -Develop mentorship program for those in need, support career development -Good preparation of Collaboration Board meetings and events under the umbrella of the Collaboration Board -Enhancing communication

5 C.-E. Wulz CB Chair Presentation, Dec. 2013 Communication 4 - Seek input from the Collaboration frequently and widely -Install specific communication channels -Meet with institutional groups at CERN and visit institutions -Keep Collaboration informed -Regular “News broadcasts” -Monthly CB newsletter -Develop our websites -Develop outreach and media work -Proactiveness in contacting media -Develop resources for outreach and media, CMS-wide and regionally or nationally -Support Institute Representatives (CBI’s) and Regional Representatives -Interactive agenda to facilitate communication with their groups or constituencies (task list including reminders, e.g. consultation, nominations, talks, awards, institutional reviews of papers)

6 C.-E. Wulz CB Chair Presentation, Dec. 2013 CB Meetings, Constitution, Ideas 5 - Reorganize CB meetings -Avoid repetition of talks -Move topics of wide interest outside CB meetings (e.g. during wrap-up session) and encourage participation of the young -Hold separate “CB as Institution Board” meetings when warranted -Restrict Friday afternoon meetings to core business -Think about restructuring and streamlining our Constitution -Core part that is not supposed to change frequently -Parts likely to evolve could be separated -New ideas -Brainstorming meetings -Discussion of interesting results from outside CMS

7 C.-E. Wulz CB Chair Presentation, Dec. 2013 Conclusions 6 We have a Collaboration we can be proud of. The recent discoveries are proof that things have worked well. Perhaps even more important discoveries lie ahead of us. We have to be prepared and need to work together in a collaborative spirit. Everyone should enjoy working in CMS. The CB Chair Team is there to develop this spirit and to foster unity. Thank you very much for your support during this year and the input many of you have given to me in one way or the other. Thank you also to Ian and Jorgen, with whom it has been a pleasure to work! Photo: Yves Sirois Congratulations to CMS and today’s Nobel Prize Winners!!

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