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World Bank and Community Foundations « Think Globally, Act Locally »

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1 World Bank and Community Foundations « Think Globally, Act Locally »
Juraj Mesík World Bank, Washington D.C.

2 World Bank Vision: “a world free of poverty“
World Bank Mission: To fight poverty with passion and professionalism for lasting results World Bank and Community Foundation

3 Millennium Development Goals
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Achieve universal primary education Promote gender equality and empower women Reduce child mortality Improve maternal health Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases Ensure environmental sustainability Build a global partnership for development World Bank and Community Foundation

4 Why Should Foundations Work with the World Bank ?
is the world’s largest external funder of education, health programs and in the fight against HIV/AIDS is one of the largest international funders of biodiversity projects is a leader in the fight against corruption worldwide strongly supports debt relief World Bank and Community Foundation

5 Why Should Foundations Work with the World Bank ?
one of the world's largest sources of development assistance (in fiscal year 2001 = US$17.3 billion in loans to its client countries) Partners with government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector World Bank and Community Foundation

6 Why Should European Foundations Work with the World Bank ?
European countries are among the largest WB stakeholders: USA 16.86% Japan 8.08% Germany 4.61% France, United Kingdom 4.42% ea. Canada, China, India, Italy, Russia, S.Arabia 2.85% ea. Netherlands 2.26% Brazil 2.12% Belgium 1.84% Spain 1.78% Switzerland 1.69% 9 of 24 current executive directors are from Europe: Germany, France, United Kingdom, Austria, Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, Switzerland, Russia World Bank and Community Foundation

7 Know Your Partner: World Bank´s Tools
Lending Instruments: Cofinancing, Trust Funds, and Guarantees - Helps members obtain financial assistance from other sources. Grants - Grant making complements the Bank's lending services. Grants are seed money for pilot projects. Analytic and Advisory Services - The Bank undertakes a broad range of analytic and advisory activities to support its development mission. Learning & Capacity Building - The Bank conducts learning and knowledge sharing programs to enhance the skills and development of its clients, staff, and partners. World Bank and Community Foundation

8 CDD is giving control of decisions and resources to community groups
What is the Link Between the WB and CFs ? Community driven development (CDD)? CDD is giving control of decisions and resources to community groups CDD frameworks link participation, community management of resources, good governance, decentralization… World Bank and Community Foundation

9 World Bank and Community Foundation
The goals of CDD to promote security, opportunity and empowerment by: strengthening accountable, inclusive community groups; supporting broad-based participation by poor people in the strategies and decisions that affect them; facilitating access to information and linkages to the market; and improving governance, institutions and policies so that local and central governments and service providers, including NGOs and the private sector, respond to community demand. World Bank and Community Foundation

10 WB and CFs What Can the Bank Do?
Inspire and catalyze growth of CFs as a part of CDD scaling up efforts by: Increasing awareness about CFs in the Bank’s client countries Supporting a favorable legal environment through dialogue with client governments Introducing stakeholders from the communities in client countries to existing CFs Providing know-how and training in initial phase of CF’s development World Bank and Community Foundation

11 WB and CFs How Can the Bank Help?
Providing seed money to start grantmaking and establish track record Offering technical assistance Giving CFs status and prestige among Bank’s partners, opening doors for dialogue Making a long term commitment (for institutional development) World Bank and Community Foundation

12 What can the World Bank do for us?
Wrong question! Let’s ask ourselves what we can do to work together with the WB to build community foundations for fighting poverty and empowering people from around the world World Bank and Community Foundation

13 World Bank and Community Foundation
Thank you very much for your attention  World Bank and Community Foundation

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