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EDEC – 612 Media McGill University, Faculty of Education HDC - 201 Aug 04, 2014 - Aug 15, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "EDEC – 612 Media McGill University, Faculty of Education HDC - 201 Aug 04, 2014 - Aug 15, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDEC – 612 Media McGill University, Faculty of Education HDC - 201 Aug 04, 2014 - Aug 15, 2014

2 What do you already know? Write down why you should learn about Media How were you taught using media? Have you ever taught yourself using media? How do you use media in your class?

3 Modeling What do you know about the German invasion of Russia in World War II? Listen to this song and read lyrics Listen to this song Watch video Now what do you know? What did I just prove about Media in classroom?

4 They crossed over the border the hour before dawn Moving in lines through the day Most of our planes were destroyed on the ground where they lay Waiting for orders we held in the wood - word from front never came By evening the sound of the gunfire was miles away Ah, softly we move through the shadows, slip away through the trees Crossing their lines in mists in the fields on our hands and our knees And all that I ever was able to see The fire in the air glowing red silhouetting the smoke on the breeze All summer they drove us back through the Ukraine Smolensk and Viasma soon fell By autumn we stood with our backs to the town of Orel Closer and closer to Moscow they came - riding the wind like a bell General Guderian stands at the crest of the hill Winter brought with her the rains, oceans of mud filled the roads Gluing the tracks of tanks to the ground while the sky filled with snow And all that I ever was able to see The fire in the air glowing red silhouetting the snow on the breeze The footsteps of Napoleon the shadow figures stagger through winter Falling back before the gates of Moscow, Standing in the wings like an avenger And far away behind their lines the partisans are stirring in the forest Coming unexpectedly upon their outposts, growing like a promise You'll never know, you'll never know Which way to turn, which way to look, you'll never see us As we're stealing through the blackness of the night, You'll never know, you'll never hear us And the evening sings in a voice of amber, the dawn is surely coming The morning roads leads to Stalingrad, and the sky is softly humming Two broken Tigers on fire in the night flicker their souls to the wind We wait in the lines for the final approach to begin It's been almost four years that I've carried a gun At home will almost be spring The flames of the Tigers are lighting the road to Berlin Ah, quickly we move through the ruins that bow to the ground The old men and children they send out to face us, can't slow us down And all that I ever was able to see The eyes of the city are opening now it's the end of the dream I'm coming home, I'm coming home, Now you can taste it in the wind, the war is over And I listen to the clicking of the train wheels as we roll across the border And now they ask me of the time When I was caught behind their lines and taken prisoner "They only held me for a day, a lucky break", I say; They turn and listen closer I'll never know, I'll never know Why I was taken from the line and all the others To board a special train and journey deep into the heart of holy Russia And it's cold and damp in the transit camp, and the air is still and sullen And the pale sun of October whispers the snow will soon be coming And I wonder when I'll be home again and the morning answers "Never" And the evening sighs and the steely Russian skies go on fore

5 Outline of the course

6 1 Monday August 4 Introduction, expectations and background Doyon article on history of Media Literacy Goolge Docs PART 1: THEORIES OF MEDIA AND MEDIA BASED CULTURE 2 Tuesday August 5 Media Education in Quebec: Understanding key concepts in the production of meaning (MELS, Hobbs, Masterman) PRESI Blog 1 3 Wednesday August 6 Media, mainstream culture and the Media Loop (McLuhan, Fiske, Rushkoff) WEEBLY Blog 2 & First presentations PART 2: MEDIA REPRESENTATIONS OF CULTURE AND CULTURAL FORMS 4 Thursday Aug 7 Culture, cultural stereotypes and cultural representations in the media (Giroux, McIntosh, Salloum, Lee) Photostory & Ken Burns effect (I-movie Blog 3 & Presentations 5Fri Aug 8 Popular culture representations of schools and the experience of schooling IMovie Blog 4 & more Presentations

7 PART 3: YOUTH CULTURE, SOCIAL MEDIA AND THE REFASHIONING OF SOCIAL NORMS 6Mon Aug 11 Hip Hop, youth culture and classroom (Giroux, Freire) Group meetings Blog #5 Photovoic e 7Tue Aug 12 Youth media production, digital literacy practices and classroom practice (Mandiberg, Rosen, Benkler,) Group meetings Blog #6 8Wed Aug 13 Copywrong: legal ramifications of new media and the limits of democracy (Gaylor, Vaidhyanathan) Group meetings Blog #7 PART 4: GROUP PRESENTATIONS 9 10 Thu Aug 14 – 15 Presentations of final project (No required readings) Presentation Time

8 Expectations (Assessment) 1.Readings and blogs (6) daily starting tomorrow Synthesis is NOT response (30%) 2.First presentations (all digital of course) based on readings starting Wednesday – I will be very nice to those brave souls (25%) 3.Final presentation based on OWN/NEW research (show off media skills (30%) 4. 1000 w/paper on an Educational App/website 15%

9 SYNTHESIS Morgan Boenke Accumulate information, and you keep this information in mind by synthesizing smaller facts into larger generalizations. You summarize, conclude, infer, and generalize, then read something new and incorporate the new information, and draw even bigger conclusions. (Cunningham, 2013)

10 SYNTHESIS (more) Arek Lipinski Synthesizes the key concept, one or more related concepts, and the context considered for the unit Transfers through time and across paradigms Provides UNIVERSAL understandings ALL Major Assignments – in blogs, then in groups of three or four, synthesize one units reading and present to class

11 MEDIA PRESENTATION 1 Teach the class about a Unit of reading More multi-modal the better the grade 3 - 4 in a group Don’t have to be in same group twice Highly professional and coherent media presentation with exceptional formatting and precise language; all readings highly pertinent and add to an original and thought- provoking discussion. Issue is not oversimplified, with insightful overall synthesis statements; authors puts themselves into the place of the audience. Use of media is original, seamless multi-modal and adds impact to presentation.

12 Brainstorm! What is cool media presentation tools for a class this size? (hint – not a poster) Work in groups of three and one of you will share groups ideas with class

13 Remember! There are 2 Presentations First (This week starting Wednesday) Second (Next week starting Wednesday) 15-20 minute Multi-modal presentation (see rubric) 10 minutes of fielding/answering questions Difference is second is YOUR own NEW topic (no, you may not cover a topic done in the readings) Bibliography via E-mail (one per group)

14 10Highly professional and coherent media presentation with exceptional formatting and precise language; all readings highly pertinent and add to an original and thought-provoking discussion; issue not oversimplified, with insightful overall synthesis statements; authors puts themselves into the place of the audience. Use of media is original, seamless multi-modal and adds impact to presentation. 9Professional and coherent presentation—although minor language or formatting errors may be present, it flows as if it had a single author rather than 3-4 separate contributions. Minor misunderstandings of the source documents may be evident. Clear synthesis statements. Audience kept in mind. Use of multi- media is professional and has no technical glitches. 7-8Some small issues with language, format or technology need revision (for example, it may seem evident that several different people wrote the synthesis and it was pasted together); readings generally pertinent; synthesis statements made but may lack critical insight or may border on oversimplification. Use of media is near professional (typos) with minor technical glitches thought technically simple (PPT). 5-6The presentation may have serious issues with technology, language or presentation that affect professionalism. The parts of the synthesis may not fit well together. There may be some misrepresentations of the source documents. Evidence of synthesis is lacking, with more of a summary list presented. The issue may be oversimplified or may lead to misunderstandings by your audience. Use of media is pedestrian (uses media to present a written version of what is being said and/or reads off slides) 4- below The presentation is not professional and may represent serious inaccuracies in the reporting of the source materials, as well as problems in coherence. The presentation is based on a single author. Some source materials are not relevant to issue or is presented in an overly simplistic way (simply shows existing video or web site). The final product may be unsuited to the audience.

15 Key Concepts/vocabulary Point of this exercise: Shared meaning, important vocabulary, building blocks No YAVA! This is how I take attendance

16 What is Media? Sacha Baikie-Pedneault

17 Media Oxford English Dictionary, 2014 1.A means by which something is communicated or expressed 2.The intervening substance through which sensory impressions are conveyed or physical forces are transmitted 3.Mass Media with “Mass” missing (don’t do this)

18 Communication* Negar Banakar *IBO “Key concepts,” MYP (2012) From principles into practice: concepts.

19 Most common media used in class? Pauline Banik

20 Body Language Sagan, A. (Jul 12, 2014). "Deception detection: how to tell if someone is lying.” Retrieved from lying-1.2689662

21 What’s the next most common? Ahad Behmaram

22 Speech

23 Talk skills you need to TEACH (Its not magic) Meredith Hayes Use social media networks appropriately to build and develop relationships Practice empathy Delegate and share responsibility for decision- making Help others to succeed Take responsibility for one’s own actions

24 More? Zack Kiss-Rusk Build consensus Make fair and equitable decisions Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas Negotiate effectively Encourage others to contribute Exercise leadership and take on a variety of roles within groups Give and receive meaningful feedback

25 Multimodal (texts) Rodrigo Cabugao Texts which communicate messages using more than one semiotic mode, or channel of communication often the weaknesses of one modality are offset by the strengths of another. Example? Magazine article with photos Film (why?) Scrapbook?

26 AFFORDANCES (?) Megan Colson What can you do with one media that you can’t do with another? Examples? What is its advantages? Limitations? How can one media fill in the weaknesses of another? Remember song?

27 Key Concept! Affordance is HUGE! Learning based versus tool based (short version of “media is the message” Don’t use technology if it doesn’t fit: Can you present it with chalk? Is it linear? PowerPoint. System? Affordances! Presi LinarPresi Versus Presi - systemPresi - system

28 Semiotic(s) SiYu Chen Study of meaning-making. The philosophical theory of signs and symbols. Denotation versus connotation (Emily Crowell) Examples please!

29 Symbol Mark Della Posta A thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something more abstract

30 Video break

31 Apply information Think-pair-share Three thoughts, two questions and one analogy that you have related to the video (per group)

32 Media in Education: 1.READING media texts – Kids look at images all the time but don’t know how to READ them 2.PRODUCTION – how to make their own media texts but make sure to consider AFFORDANCES of that media (is this the best way to present this information?)

33 WEB 2.0 Sarah Reale Production based, participatory version “Prosumers” (Lister et al., 2003)

34 What have you produced? Erika Sulik Draco Szathmary Jennifer Tessier

35 Reading Inoculation paradigm Adam Goulet Think of the first word in science Now put in the context of education Come up with a definition Examples?

36 Reflexivity Trevor Definition? (Hint – has to do with mirror=media) Work in groups of three for this one

37 Marshall McLuhan Marshall McLuhan Chantale Robinson Who was he and who cares? Who was he Hints:

38 That’s not important, Ill just get them to use the Internet for research

39 THINK-PAIR-SHARE How do you research? What are the weaknesses of kids research? Bolenian operators?

40 Types of inquiry questions Factual (lowest level of thinking) What European nations sought colonies in the seventeenth century? (Google it- done- play games) Conceptual (better) Why are nations concerned with power? Debatable/ provocative (best) Does the growth of some nations depend on the exploitation of others? (can’t Google that)

41 Synergy (of Media) ZohrehGhayour Moradi More than the sum of its parts, synergy is the ability of a group to outperform even its best individual member. Working in groups, using the right medium What tools enable synergy Five minute think-pair-share

42 Examples How does this tutorial use different media to maximize learning? (group think) content/ How about this one? ltips.aspx

43 Podcast Marie McCulloch A podcast is a series of episodes which can be audio or video that are syndicated (available via a feed) so that people can subscribe to them. An audio file by itself is not a podcast (LEARN)

44 Creative commons Douglas Bethany A licensing system that allows creators to pre- license their work and specify how it may be used. Students can use creative commons licensed images / videos / sounds... freely, but must give credit with a link to the original creator. (“ICT Glossary” LEARN Quebec (2014) Accessed from (examples?)

45 Fair Dealing Julie Goldenberg Fair Dealing -Research, private study, etc. 29. Fair dealing for the purpose of research, private study, EDUCATION, parody or satire does not infringe copyright. 1985, c. C-42, s. 29; R.S., 1985, c. 10 (4th Supp.); 1994, c. 47, s. 61; 1997, c. 24, s. 18; 2012, c. 20, s. 21.

46 le tableau blanc interactif le tableau blanc interactif Paige Glabb Whiteboard - A large touch sensitive display which connects to the computer - users can interact with it using special pens or their fingers.

47 Google Docs Carlene Gardner Google Drive/docs is a free, web-based office suite offered by Google within its Google Drive service. Allows users to create, edit and collaborate with other users live. Offers word processing, spreadsheet and presentation programs within the suite are named Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides

48 Lesson for the Lab I will demonstrate how Google Docs works We will go to the Mac Lab back in Education building BUILT IN BREAK! You will all create a Google Doc account and bring me your address. I will share the document with you. Final assignment: fill in the list of presentations you will be doing before leaving today.

49 Bibliography Andain and Murphy, Creating lifelong learners: Challenges for education in the 21st century (2d Ed., 2012) Copyright Modernization Act (S.C. 2012, c. 20) Cunningham, P. (2013). What Really Matters in Vocabulary: Research-Based Practices Across the Curriculum, VA: Pearson. “media, n.” Oxford English Dictionary Additions Series. 1997. OED Online. Oxford University Press. 30 July, 2014. OECD DeSeCo (Definition and Selection of Competencies) beyond-school/ Lister, et al. (2003). New Media: A Critical Introduction. Routledge, New York

50 Exit cards Give me one advantage and one disadvantage to working on a project together in Google Docs?

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