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Roman Kings By Sam Redeker and Connor Bright spicy.

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1 Roman Kings By Sam Redeker and Connor Bright spicy

2 Romulus o Ruled from 753 B.C.E to 715 B.C.E o Remus was his brother o They were shepherd and fought against the shepherds of Amulius, which caused Remus to be captured by Amulius. o They killed Amulis and put Numitor as king. o Left to go make their own city, in which many people ranging from thieves, servants, or ones who wanted a second chance in life joined them. o Argued for where to put the new city

3 Romulus Cont. o Both stood on a hill and used vultures, or eagles, to determine who had the divine advantage. o Remus claimed to see 6 and Romulus, 12. o Romulus sets up borders to protect his city, which Remus jumped over, an insult to Romulus.  Remus was then killed.  There are many different beliefs about how he died: One states that he simply died Another states that Romulus killed him and said that anyone who jumps over the wall will die. o After it is set up, Romulus renames the city Roma.

4 Numa Pompilius o Ruled from 715 B.C.E to 673 B.C.E o Born on the day that Rome was founded. o Wise and pious o Didn’t even live in Rome but a town called Cures. o Built Temple of Janus. o Originally refused to become king of Rome, but his father and a relative of his had talked him into doing it.

5 Tullus Hostilius o Ruled from 673 B.C.E to 642 B.C.E o Tullus defeated the Albans and took over their city, expanding Rome  He punished their king, who was a traitor. o More Military-smart than Romulus o Nothing else, really...

6 Ancus Martinus o Ruled from 642 B.C.E to 617 B.C.E o Grandson of Numa Pompilius o Built the first bridge across the Tiber river  pons sublicus

7 Tarquinius Priscus o Ruled from 616 B.C.E to 579 B.C.E o When he had first entered Rome, he took this name and became close friends with the king who appointed him as guardian of his children. o Sent the children on a hunt so that he could win the kingship. o Tarquin attacked Rome and successfully took control of Apiolae.  With the success of this, Tarquin hosted the Roman games. This had boxing and horse racing in it. o Sabines attacked. First battle was a draw but then Tarquin won the next battle. o Started taking over towns from left to right. o Eventually Servius became like a son to Tarquin, which angered the children of Ancus. They assassinated Tarquin. o Servius became king by faking to consult with Tarquin.

8 Servius Tullius o Ruled from 578 B.C.E to 535 B.C.E o Started out as a servant o Went to war against the Veii and the Etruscans o Murdered by his son-in-law Tarquinius

9 Tarquinius Superbus o Ruled from 534-510 B.C. o Last of the kings that Rome even tolerated. o Son-In-Law of Servius  Believed to have murdered Servius o With a revolt led by Tarquinius Superbus’ son, he and his family was expelled from the city.  [Not assassinated]

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