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Writing and Literacy Development ECE 358 Created by Stephen Garretson Edited by Josh Thompson 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing and Literacy Development ECE 358 Created by Stephen Garretson Edited by Josh Thompson 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing and Literacy Development ECE 358 Created by Stephen Garretson Edited by Josh Thompson 2004

2 Early Writing Ways writing is acquired Children’s early literacy experiences are embedded in the familiar simulations and real-life experiences of family and community membership. How is this true? Give examples.

3 Early Writing As a process, early writing development is characterized by children’s moving from playfully making marks on paper to communicating messages on paper, to creating texts – symbolic representation.

4 Early Writing Children learn the uses of written language before they learn the forms. What shows us this?

5 Early Writing Children’s writing develops through constant invention and reinvention of the forms of written language.

6 Early Writing Children’s involvement in written language, though typically embedded in social situations and interactions, is essentially self-initiated and self- directed. In writing, as in talking, story making is a primary impulse and activity.

7 Early Writing Children learn about writing through direction from teachers, by observing others more skilled than themselves, and by participating with others in literacy events. What does this tell us about our roles in the lives of young children?

8 Early Writing Children need to work independently on the functions and form of writing that they have experienced through interactions with literate others.  Children practice what they learn about writing, which is best when self-initiated.

9 Theory Literacy Development is part of language development Language development is part of symbol development Symbol development is part of the development of social and cultural meanings

10 Writing Development Examine writings from children. What stage are they in? How do you know? What environment has to be created to encourage this type of production from a 5 year old? What can you take away from this to improve your understanding of what children can do?

11 Objectives for Writing Come up with a list of activities to promote writing development. Process and Product

12 Types of writing Shared Writing  Teacher writes as students give ideas and input, and then shares the pen with children Morning Message- modeling Class stories Brainstorming sessions Come up with other ways to incorporate shared writing into the class. Be creative and span across the curriculum areas.

13 Types of writing Language Experience Approach  Write what they say exactly Group writing- Teacher dictates and serves as a model.

14 Types of writing Independent writing  Writing center and writing in centers  Design a center and look at how you can incorporate writing into that center. What materials do you need?

15 Making Books with children Types of books

16 Writer’s Workshop Critical to your classroom Management is the key. Children choose their topics Steps  Minilessons Model brainstorming Model ideas Model mistakes Model editing, revision, publishing

17 Minilesson Drafting-  Children write  Skip lines  Take erasers away  Mistakes help you see their thinking.  It’s about the process

18 Writer’s workshop Revising  Adding to your story  You have to reread Editing  Ask three before me  Teacher conference time  Make editing charts Ongoing Process


20 Writer’s workshop Author’s Chair  Make it fun  Give feedback, not just you but the kids as well.

21 Focused Writing Model and Demonstrate  Letters  Poems  Paragraphs  How to’s  Not just a 5 paragraph format- That’s out

22 Supplies Plenty of paper Writing utensils Graphic Organizers Samples Magnetic letters

23 Other types of writing Research- critical starting at a young age  QUAD- questions, answers and details Response Logs Journals  Types Personal-private, not shared Dialogue- like private, but shared with teacher and peers Reading response- responses to what was read Learning logs-

24 Spelling and Punctuation Children need to learn how to create letters correctly…how? When children begin writing…let them explore and make mistakes. When they feel comfortable…begin helping with punctuation and spelling.

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