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‘A woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown’ By Joshua, James and Callum Please be aware this presentation contains spoilers!

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Presentation on theme: "‘A woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown’ By Joshua, James and Callum Please be aware this presentation contains spoilers!"— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘A woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown’ By Joshua, James and Callum Please be aware this presentation contains spoilers!

2 Summary Main narrative: Pepa trying to find Ivan, finds out he leaves not only her but his wife for a lawyer lady. Her and his wife are psycho and the wife tries killing Ivan, Pepa saves Ivan’s life. Sub-Plot: Ivan’s son, Carlos falls in love with Pepa’s friend whilst his IRL girlfriend is drugged. P.S. Pepa is also pregnant.

3 Representation of the film The film attempts to portray how emotion can affect and cloud characters judgement. Visually aid the audience to understand the characters situations through the narrative of the film and ensure they are related. Realism was used in the film as Pedro might have used personal experience as inspiration.

4 Director – Pedro Almodovar as an Auteur AWOTVOANB (A women on the verge of a nervous breakdown) made in 1988, one of his first big screenplays, which was also the highest- grossing foreign film in North America and the most successful Spanish film ever in Spain. Known for controversial subjects. Likes to use same actors in similar roles. For example, Antonio Bandera's.

5 Actors Antonio Bandera’s career was largely influenced by Pedro to become the success he is today, such as being casted in films such as Zorro, Spy Kids and Shrek. Carmen Maura was also used in Pedro’s films such as Volver, which increased her popularity within the film industry.

6 Music Typical instruments such as violin's are used in a lot of the non-diegetic music, which has connotations with romance but also in some senses violence (mafia carried guns in violin cases). Music was also used as expositional dialogue, for instance a record was used during a key moment in the film to show character insight and story development.

7 Colour Red having connotations of passion, romance, danger, love and blood was used to exaggerate character emotion. An example of this is a red phone being used to show it’s importance. Foreshadowing the concept of murder and therefore creating enigma. Blue was also used as a contrast to show how characters emotions also differ, an example of this is in Pepa as her emotions reflect the colour.

8 Genre Comedy and Drama but contained aspects of romance. An example of this was the relationships between women and men (Pepa and Ivan). Comedy was used to relieve stress of the audience after empathising with characters. Slap stick comedy was used as a tool by the director to show violence in a ‘funny’ manner.

9 Contrast/Comparisons Sugar coated compared to other films such as ‘Talk to her’ (2002) and ‘The skin I live in’ (2011). Psycho characters, abnormal characters. Antonio Bandera's is a common actor in Pedro’s films. Colour played an important role in highlighting the key factors in the film. Characters such as the taxi driver and animals are used as a catalyst to outpour their emotion and thoughts.

10 Personal Response

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