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to the nearest Write each (i) to the nearest ten

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1 to the nearest ......... Write each (i) to the nearest ten
(ii) to the nearest hundred = 8360 (to nearest ten) = 8400 (to nearest hundred) = = = = 4. 34 = 30 = 0 = = = 30 = 0 = 430 = 400 = 820 = 800 = 100 = 100 = 2 560 = 2 600

2 to the nearest ......... Write each (i) to the nearest tenth
(ii) to the nearest whole = 42.6 (to nearest tenth) = 43 (to nearest whole) = 157.9 = 158 = 4.7 = 5 = 27.1 = 27 = = 2 474 = 26.8 = 27 = 425.3 = 425 = 816.5 = 816 = 95.8 = 96 = = 2 556

3 Significant Figures 2 significant figures 3 significant figures
45 0.0062 to nearest million 3 significant figures to nearest whole to 4 dec pl 27.3 to nearest 1000 to nearest tenth to nearest hundred thousandth 4 significant figures to 1 dec pl 7002 to 5 dec pl 5.308 56.0 3050 to 3 dec pl to nearest tenth to nearest ten to 5 dec pl

4 Round each of the following to 3 significant figures
34 629 73 579 1347 45.666 2.8369 34 600 73 600 1350 45.7 2.84 173.92 9044 12.345 174 9040 0.0497 12.3 47.73 31.655 919.9 2547 47.7 31.7 920 2550 Round each of the following to 2 sig fig 31.793 258.6 91 832 428 129.3 2040 1.036 35.67 32 260 92 000 430 0.086 130 2000 1.0 36

5 Use the calculator for standard form
EE Exp or on scientific calculator 5.3 03 in place of x 10n on display means 5.3 x 103 5.3 x x x 104 5.3Exp3 x 2.7Exp4 = 1.431 x 108 without calculator / estimate 2.83 x 102 x x 103 5 x x 3 x 104 estimate 3 x 9 x 102 x 103 = 5 x 3 x 103 x 104 27 x 105 = 2.7 x 106 = 15 x 107 = x 106 = 1.5 x 10 x 107 = 2.59 x 106 to 3 sig fig = 1.5 x 108

6 …% of ……… Percentages 1/2 1/4 1/5 1/10 1/100 1/3 50% of £658
50% = = 1/2 ÷ 2 = ÷ 2 25% = = 1/4 ÷ 4 = 329 20% = = 1/5 ÷ 5 10% = = 1/10 ÷ 10 1% of 7382 kg = ÷ 100 1% = = 1/100 ÷ 100 = 331/3% = 1/3 ÷ 3 13% of £67 = x 67 13% = 0.13 = 8.71

7 Express as a percentage of ...
35 marks out of total 56 35 ÷ 56 x 100 35 56 x 100 So Pupil’s mark was 62.5% = 62.5% Item costs £45 and sells for £54. Express the profit as a percentage of the cost price. S P = 54 C P = 45 Profit = 9 9 ÷ 45 x 100 9 45 x 100 = 20 % So Profit was 20% of the cost price.

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