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Program Assessment Workshop Kathleen Harring. What is Assessment? Assessment is the systematic gathering and analysis of information to inform and improve.

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Presentation on theme: "Program Assessment Workshop Kathleen Harring. What is Assessment? Assessment is the systematic gathering and analysis of information to inform and improve."— Presentation transcript:

1 Program Assessment Workshop Kathleen Harring

2 What is Assessment? Assessment is the systematic gathering and analysis of information to inform and improve student learning in the context of specific educational goals

3 Levels of Assessment Institutional Assessment Program (Department) Assessment Course Assessment

4 Characteristics of Good Program Level Assessment Based on principles defined at the institutional level Integrated with college outcomes Ongoing

5 Characteristics of Good Program Level Assessment Comprehensive – encompassing students, faculty, and resources Valued and supported by the college culture Implemented gradually in careful steps

6 Characteristics of Good Program Level Assessment Practical – with clear implications for faculty and students Self-renewing – data and information should feed back at both the department and college level

7 Departmental Mission Statement Broadly communicates the department’s vision Consistent with institutional mission Guides departmental decision-making

8 Program Goals General statements about the knowledge, skills, or values that students will acquire in the program Consistent with institutional mission

9 Program Goals We want psychology students to:  Know the theories, models, and findings of psychology  Develop effective writing, speaking, and listening skills

10 Learning Objectives Objectives describe program goals in concrete terms They describe observable behaviours that can be measured

11 Learning Objectives Students can master APA style writing Students can make an argument supported by available evidence and reason

12 Developing Mission Statements, Goals, and Learning Objectives Use guidelines from professional organizations Look at what other departments have done Teaching Goals Inventory (Angelo & Cross)

13 Questions for Developing Learning Objectives What type of knowledge, skills, and values should the ‘ideal’ graduate of our program have? What should students know, do, and value? Seek input from alumni, employers, graduate programs

14 Steps in Developing a Department Assessment Plan Agree on the mission, goals and objectives Review courses and determine where specific learning outcomes are introduced, developed, and mastered Develop outcome matrix

15 Steps in Developing a Department Assessment Plan Determine what outcomes to assess You don’t have to assess every outcome in each student every year Begin with what you think you do best

16 Steps in Developing a Department Assessment Plan Decide on appropriate measures  Direct vs. indirect  Embedded Assessment  Authentic Assessment  Triangulation

17 Direct Measures Standardized tests  Discipline test  College Learning Assessment (CLA) Locally-developed tests Embedded assignments Portfolios

18 Indirect Measures Surveys  NSSE  Campus student surveys  Alumni surveys Focus Groups Interviews

19 Sampling Do not have to assess outcomes in every student Determine sampling procedure  Eg survey seniors every other year  Assess writing in a sample of majors  Collect student work at different points in program (English)

20 Steps in Developing a Department Assessment Plan Identify appropriate assessment methods Develop a plan for collecting data Prioritize goals, set timelines, identify milestones

21 Steps in Developing a Department Assessment Plan Implement assessment plan Use data to improve processes “close the loop” Communicate results

22 Psychology Department Assessment Plan Senior survey Students in required Advanced Lab course complete statistics/research methods exam at beginning of semester Assess writing, research, and quantitative skills in a sample of Advanced Lab final papers Alumni survey

23 Considerations Keep it simple Keep the institutional mission and goals in mind Focus on one or two goals at a time Borrow ideas and methods from other departments or other institutions

24 Assessment Cycle

25 To add AUP mission  Agree on gen ed goals Academic Affairs mission & goals More examples from diff departments Handout Working pairs

26 From Middle States: “Assessment of student learning demonstrates that the institution’s students have knowledge, skills, and competencies consistent with institutional goals and that students at graduation have achieved appropriate higher education goals…In order to carry out meaningful assessment activities, institutions must articulate statements of expected student learning at the institutional, program, and individual course levels… Course syllabi or guidelines should include expected learning outcomes…Assessment is not an event but a process and should be an integral part of the life of the institution

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