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GENETIC ENGINEERING Todd Sachs. Is DNA modification acceptable?

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2 Is DNA modification acceptable?

3 BASIC INFORMATION Genetic engineering- the process of manually adding new DNA to an organism Used to add one or more traits not already found in the organism

4 SCIENTIFIC APPLICATIONS Gene Therapy- insertion of new genes in order to combat a genetic disease Genetic Enhancement- use of genes in order to add more to an already normal organism

5 Genetic therapy used in situations such as to combat muscular dystrophy, a protein that maintains muscle fiber strength Does so by inserting a gene that replaces the defective gene that is supposed The new gene allows dystrophin to be produced once more

6 ISSUES Genetic Enhancement In vitro engineering

7 In vitro engineering- process of adding genes to a fetus while it is in the womb usually using stem cells Combined with genetic enhancement, could lead to what are known as "designer babies" Abuse of gene therapy for physical or mental improvement

8 CHURCH POSITION Based on the two applications, the church has a separate opinion on each Genetic Therapy- seen as good, restores the body to normal working condition Genetic Enhancement- wrong, as it seeks to modify the human body beyond what God intended and created In vitro- immoral modification using cells in a process involving the throwing away of nonviable cells

9 CAUSES OF PROBLEMS Exploiting of the body for personal gain Lack of Knowledge Disregard for teaching of the Church

10 SOLUTIONS Educate people on the process and difference between genetic therapy and enhancement Spread the teaching of the Catholic Church on acceptable practice

11 POST QUESTIONS Should scientists be allowed to genetically modify humans for non-medical purposes? Is it acceptable to modify the DNA of children before they are born?

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