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Volunteer Work. What is volunteering? Raise your hand if you have ever volunteered before?

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Presentation on theme: "Volunteer Work. What is volunteering? Raise your hand if you have ever volunteered before?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Volunteer Work

2 What is volunteering?

3 Raise your hand if you have ever volunteered before?

4 The Exchange Concept Instead of considering volunteering as something you do for people who are not as fortunate as yourself, begin to think of it as an exchange. Consider that most people find themselves in need at some point in their lives. So today you may be the person with the ability to help, but tomorrow you may be the recipient of someone else's volunteer effort.

5 Define your volunteerism interests! What are you passionate about? What do you care about? What problems do you see in your community? In the world?

6 Break into groups! Number off 1-7

7 Discuss… Why do you or would you want to volunteer? Think about how much you receive when you give and how much you can gain personally and professionally from a volunteer experience. You may have several different reasons.


9 Why define your motivators? You will continue to volunteer as long as you feel your efforts are accomplishing something, that your talents are appreciated, and that you make a difference.

10 Notice that it is just as worthwhile for the person volunteering as it is for the person receiving help. Thus the beauty of the exchange. In fact, it tends to strengthen your commitment to volunteering when you can see the benefits to both the recipient of your efforts and to yourself.

11 My Volunteer Experiences

12 Appalachian Service Project (ASP) West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee – USA Self-funded, Served from 2002-2006

13 Global Alliance for Africa Kenya and Tanzania, self-funded Served in July 2006

14 AIESEC Internship Global Internship Program – Education English Instructor at Al-Huson College, Irbid, Jordan, 2009-2010

15 Why did I volunteer? And why do I still volunteer? Meet new people Have fun Give my CV a boost Give back to the community Try new things & explore a possible career Gain professional experience Get references To demonstrate commitment to a cause/belief To make an impact

16 Local Opportunities Schools, Museums, Nakhweh, UN agencies, Operation Smile, King Hussein Cancer Foundation/Center, religious organizations, Red Cross/Red Crescent, and of course AIESEC Or explore your passions and I’m sure you will find a volunteer opportunity linked to that cause

17 Global Opportunities UN agencies, Red Cross/Red Crescent, and again, of course AIESEC! Again…Or explore your passions and I’m sure you will find a volunteer opportunity linked to that cause

18 Q & A

19 In a survey of some of the UK’s leading businesses and 73%* said they'd employ someone who's volunteered over someone who hasn't!

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