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By Sean Truszkowski. Leadership Being a leader is a big role in this world because everyone looks up to you. People will look to you for advice. There.

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Presentation on theme: "By Sean Truszkowski. Leadership Being a leader is a big role in this world because everyone looks up to you. People will look to you for advice. There."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Sean Truszkowski

2 Leadership Being a leader is a big role in this world because everyone looks up to you. People will look to you for advice. There need to be more positive and good hearted people in this world. People need to start standing up and do this.

3 About Me I am a young basketball player who follows his dreams. I also a big animal lover and would try anything to save animals. Music is a big influence in my life and I will listen to mostly anything if I am in the right mood. God is always there for me and has me on the right path of life. I am always trying to do the right thing in life. My future is bright and I am ready for it.

4 About Me cont. I am an excellent student and plan on keeping my grades up throughout college. I am going to Grand Valley State and majoring in accounting.

5 Who Helped Me To Be A Leader My parents have been a huge influence for being a leader. They have always pushed me to do things and stand up for what I believe in. My family has done a lot for me and believes in me for all the decision I do. My friends are great and support me.

6 What Helped Me to be a Leader Basketball has helped my leadership skills by calling plays and putting people where they have to go. Being dedicated to the sports and things I do helped me be a better leader by not giving up.

7 Leadership Position There are many different leadership position I want to be in. I could do multiple positions with the job I want to go into. One, I want to be my own boss and run my own business. By doing that it would make me my own leader. The business I want to run would be an animal rescue and helped unwanted animals find new homes.

8 Leadership Position cont. If I can not run my own business and work for a company. The next position I would take is being a leader of a group in the building or be the office manager.

9 Being a Future Leader There are many things to do to be a better leader in the future. There are going to be a lot of obstacles that come, but you have to get over them and keep moving a long. As long as I follow God’s path in my life I will become one of the best leaders in the world. He has the plan.

10 Future Leader cont. I also have to be dedicated to what I am trying to complete. I have to have the qualities of being a leader to become the best leader.

11 My Strengths Strengths come and go. For you to keep them you have to practice them. Being smart, easy to talk to, dedicated, loyal, stand up for what I believe in, and I have a plan in life. Those are my strengths in life. I practice them everyday to make them better.

12 How Many Strengths Benefit Me Dedications always help me in life because I will not give up. Being smart is always a good trait to have. To be able to stand up for what I believe in will give me hope. Being loyal will have people believe in you. Being easy to talk to will make people want to follow you. Having a plan in life will make people think that you are prepared for anything.

13 Weakness My one weakness that a lot of people do have is talking in front of a large group of people. I get really nervous while doing it.

14 Weakness Overcame I am overcoming this weakness by practicing it and speaking in front of people.

15 I will be one of the biggest leaders in the world. I will be successful at my job and have a great family after college.


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