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Ascension Health is a Ministry of the Church

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1 Ascension Health is a Ministry of the Church
Mission Integration and Spiritual Care: Working Together to Create a Spiritually Centered, Holistic Culture Spiritual Care Champions March 2012 Executive Orientation

2 Today’s Presenters Sr. Maureen McGuire, DC Laura Richter
Senior Vice President of Mission Integration, Ascension Health Executive Vice President of Mission, Ascension Health Alliance Co-Dean of Leadership Academy Laura Richter Director, Workplace Spirituality Director, Mission Integration, System Office

3 Objectives for today’s presentation
Participants will learn how Mission Integration and Spiritual Care departments share the responsibility for creating a spiritually centered, holistic culture. We will discuss the roles, responsibilities and competencies assigned to Mission Leaders and Spiritual Care personnel (chaplains and directors). Understand how these roles are complementary and each has a specific set of goals to achieve.

4 Ascension Health Mission
Ascension Health is a Ministry of the Church Ascension Health Mission Rooted in the loving ministry of Jesus as healer, we commit ourselves to serving all persons with special attention to those who are poor and vulnerable. Our Catholic health ministry is dedicated to spiritually centered, holistic care which sustains and improves the health of individuals and communities. We are advocates for a compassionate and just society through our actions and our words. Executive Orientation

5 Ascension Health is a Ministry of the Church
Our Values We are called to: Service of the Poor Generosity of spirit, especially for persons most in need Reverence Respect and compassion for the dignity and diversity of life Integrity Inspiring trust through personal leadership Wisdom Integrating excellence and stewardship Creativity Courageous innovation Dedication Affirming the hope and joy of our ministry Executive Orientation

6 Theology of Mission and Ministry
Ascension Health is a Ministry of the Church Our Ministry is an active service done on behalf of the Church with and in the community in Jesus’ name as an expression of God’s presence on earth. This is the working theological definition of “Ministry” that we are using in our Leadership Formation Program. Executive Orientation

7 The Way We Speak of our Call and Identity
We are a ministry of the Catholic Church, committed to continuing the healing mission of Jesus. Each person in the healing ministry is responsible for continuing the healing mission in their work every day.

8 Constitutive Elements of Our Identity
Ascension Health is a Ministry of the Church Constitutive Elements of Our Identity The constitutive elements of “Catholic Identity” emphasize various dimensions of what it means to be and to act as a ministry of the Catholic Church. Considered as a ministry of the Church, the identity of Catholic health care has several dimensions, including: the sacramental dimension, which relates to the role of the Catholic health ministry to be the healing presence of Jesus in the world today and to minister to the spiritual needs of the sick; and, the ecclesial dimension, which concerns how Catholic sponsored health care organizations relate to and interact with the U.S. Catholic Bishops and the hierarchy of the Church. While these dimensions are no less essential to the identity of the Catholic health ministry, the focus of this presentation is with how the core commitments outlined in the Catholic Health Association’s “Shared Statement of Identity” come together to provide the moral context of Catholic Identity for Health Ministries. Executive Orientation

9 Constitutive Elements of Our Identity
Ascension Health is a Ministry of the Church Constitutive Elements of Our Identity Promote and Defend Human Dignity Promote the Common Good Steward Resources Act on Behalf of Justice Care for Poor & Vulnerable Persons Attend to the Whole Person Act in Communion with the Church The foundational principle of the Catholic moral tradition is that of respect for human dignity. Here, human dignity is understood as the intrinsic moral worth of human life due to its being created in the image and likeness of God and destined for eternal union with God (what is often referred to as the doctrine of Imago Dei). This intrinsic moral worth is not contingent upon race, gender, social status, ethnicity, the ability to think autonomously and function in particular ways or on any other accidental attributes we might ascribe to individual human persons. Rather, all human life has this inherent dignity due to the fact that it is a gift from a loving God. Rooted in this inherent dignity is the right to life and all our basic human rights. Insofar as physical life is the foundation and necessary condition for the exercise of a person’s moral and spiritual capacities through which we image God, it constitutes a fundamental value to which every person, no matter how vulnerable, has an inalienable claim. While the right to life establishes an absolute prohibition against the direct killing of innocent human life, there is no corresponding positive duty to use every available medical means of prolonging life. Within Catholic teaching, one is only obligated to use what are referred to as proportionate or ordinary means for the purpose of prolonging one’s own life. Executive Orientation

10 Mission Integration The goal of Mission Integration is to build our capacity to be ministry. Mission Integration makes our identity as ministry evident in all aspects: of service, with special focus on those most in need of organizational life and structure of culture of leadership and therefore of individual experience on the part of patients and families as well as of associates.

11 Mission Integration is everyone’s responsibility
Administration Patient Care Quality Human Resources

12 But certain groups are more responsible for particular elements
Ethics Spiritual Care Mission Integration


14 Mission Integration: Roles and Responsibilities

15 Vice President for Mission Integration
As a Senior Executive leader, the Vice President for Mission Integration leads and collaborates in strategy and development for: Values-based culture Formation Workplace spirituality Model Community/Human Resources Ethics - clinical, corporate, and organizational Care of persons living in poverty, community benefit Spiritual care

16 The Mission Integration Role
Is a senior leadership position, to influence issues at the highest level. Works collaboratively with other areas to integrate mission into all aspects of ministry, including: Human Resource practices Hospital policies/procedures Helps create infrastructure for spiritually centered, holistic care

17 CHA Revised Mission Leadership Competency Model

18 Qualifications to be a Mission Leader
Masters Level degree in theology or related field Experience in a hospital setting Serving as a member of an administrative team Competencies mentioned in last slide

19 Spiritual Care: Roles and Responsibilities

20 Spiritual Care Spiritual Care departments can be found in all Catholic Health Ministries. Chaplains provide spiritual care for patients, their families and associates. They also foster culture that supports spirituality through services, participation in committees and specific services.


22 Common Standards (Competencies) for Professional Chaplaincy
Qualifications for a chaplain Be in good standing with own faith tradition. Have undergraduate degree as well as graduate level theological degree from accredited school. Have 4 units of CPE.

23 Possess Theory of Pastoral Care
Articulate theory of spiritual care that is integrated with theory of pastoral practice. Incorporate working knowledge of psychological and sociological disciplines with religious beliefs. Incorporate spiritual and emotional dimensions of human development. Incorporate working knowledge of ethics. Articulate conceptual understanding of group dynamics and organizational behavior.

24 Identity and Conduct Function pastorally in manner that respects physical, emotional and spiritual boundaries of others. Use pastoral authority appropriately. Identify one’s professional strengths and limitations in provision of spiritual care. Articulate ways in which ones feelings, attitudes, value and assumptions affect one’s pastoral care. Advocate for persons in one’s care.

25 Identity and Conduct continued…
Function within Common code of ethics. Attend to one’s own physical, emotional and spiritual well being. Communicate effectively orally and in writing. Present oneself in a manner that reflects professional behavior.

26 Pastoral Competencies
Establish, deepen and end pastoral relationships with sensitivity, openness and respect. Provide effective pastoral support to patients, families and staff. Provide pastoral care that respects diversity and differences (gender, culture, orientation, religion, etc.). Triage and manage crises. Provide pastoral care to those experiencing grief and loss.

27 Pastoral Competencies continued
Formulate and utilize spiritual assessments to contribute to plans of care. Provide religious and spiritual resources. Develop, coordinate and facilitate public worship/spiritual practices. Facilitate theological reflection in practice of pastoral care.

28 Professional Promote pastoral care into life and service of the institution. Establish and maintain professional and interdisciplinary relationships. Articulate understanding of institutional culture and systems and systemic relationships. Support, promote and encourage ethical decision making. Document care effectively in records. Foster collaborative relationship with clergy/faith group leaders.

29 Chaplains and Leaders Chaplains Leaders
- direct care - administrative responsibility Provide bedside care - ensure care is provided across the ministry Serve on committees - ensure pastoral care is represented in all areas Live out duties of dept. - ensure scheduling meets dept demands

30 How Mission and Spiritual Care Work Together

31 These groups have specific responsibilities for Mission Integration
Ethics Spiritual Care VP, Mission Integration Clinical Ethics Organizational ethics Culture building Administrative presence Organizational role Culture building Direct Spiritual Care Organizational role Culture building

32 How do Mission Integration and Spiritual Care work together to create a spiritually centered culture?

33 Mission Leadership Competencies and Pastoral Care: Leadership
Mission Competency Pastoral Care Practice Strategic leader Pastoral Care is positioned as a direct contributor to the mission, strategy and priorities of the organization Prophetic leader Pastoral Care supports integration of holistic care principles in care delivery Formational leader Pastoral Care is engaged as partner and resource in appropriate formation initiatives

34 Mission Leadership Competencies and Pastoral Care: Theology
Mission Competency Pastoral Care Practice Pastoral Theology Pastoral Care promotes and supports theological reflection throughout the organization Understandings of Church Pastoral Care expresses the ecclesial dimension of organizational ministry through pastoral contacts, development of lay leadership, ecumenical and interfaith initiatives, promotion of healthcare-based pastoral care as a dimension of diocesan ministry Canon Law Practices related to sacramental, worship and pastoral outreach reflect ecclesial expectations and norms

35 Mission Leadership Competencies and Pastoral Care: Spirituality
Mission Competency Pastoral Care Practice Personal Spirituality Mission and Pastoral Care create opportunities for mutual support, learning, development Communal Spirituality Pastoral Care collaborates in building awareness and integration of the sponsor charism; partnership in the development of workplace spirituality Spirituality of Change Mission and Pastoral Care partner to identify and address stressors that affect staff and organizational culture

36 Mission Leadership Competencies and Pastoral Care: Ethics
Mission Competency Pastoral Care Practice Organizational Ethics Front line awareness of the “culture in action”; insights regarding the stated vs. lived values of the organization Justice Advocates for vulnerable patients and families, congruency of values and practice within the organization Clinical Ethics Front line for identifying issues, advocating for patients, families, staff, networking with physicians and others to support good practice

37 Mission Leadership Competencies and Pastoral Care: Organizational Management
Mission Competency Pastoral Care Practice Communication and Collaboration Partners in the creation of an effective network of communication and relationship at every level of the organization Business Pastoral Care contributes in a measurable way to the business success of the organization Management Collaboration with Mission in staff development, succession planning, congruency of departmental and organizational priorities

38 How Mission Supports Spiritual Care
Provides administrative oversight for Spiritual Care department. Ensures department is well represented, can support department and ensure they have access to all groups within the ministry. Obtains budget and provides support for Spiritual Care needs. Can work collaboratively on joint projects like associate orientations, spirituality initiatives and other programs.

39 Working Collaboratively Together
Ethics Spiritual Care VP, Mission Integration Clinical Ethics Organizational ethics Culture building Administrative presence Organizational role Culture building Direct Spiritual Care Organizational role Culture building

40 Some examples of how we work together to accomplish goals
Formation Mission Integration Develops plan for formation at all levels and desired outcomes Plans certain formation programs to achieve goals May do formation activities for certain groups Spiritual Care Provides theological reflection as part of work, for patients, families and associates. May work with Mission to lead some formation activities

41 How we work together to accomplish goals
Workplace Spirituality Mission Integration Develops plan for workplace spirituality at all levels Ensures staff have access to offerings and that spirituality is part of the culture May provide spiritual activities for certain groups Spiritual Care May work with Mission to lead certain workplace spirituality initiatives that touch patients and families (prayer shawls, memorial services, No One Dies Alone) as well as staff (retreat days, blessing of the hands, etc.)

42 Some questions to consider…
How do Mission Integration and Spiritual Care work collaboratively in your institution? What are roles that are distinct for each of these groups? Where is there some overlap between groups?

43 Resources CHA Mission Leader Competencies
Spiritual Care Common Standards

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