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Subject Verb Agreement The Golden Rule

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1 Subject Verb Agreement The Golden Rule
If there’s a singular subject it means the verb ends in ‘s’ Example: My mom respects me. If there’s a plural subject then the verb does not end in ‘s’ Example: My mom and dad respect me.

2 Singular Subject = Singular Verb
Examples The lamp (is, are) new. Lamp is singular, and the verb is is singular. The dog (does, do) have a bowl. Dog is singular, and so is the verb does.

3 Plural Subject = Plural Verb
Examples The lamps (is, are) new. Lamps is plural, and the verb are is plural. The dogs (does, do) have a bowl. Dogs is plural, and the verb do is plural.

4 “And” in the subject The word “and” in the subject indicates the subject is plural because both of the items are part of the subject. Example My brother and sister (is, are) happy. Plural means “more than one”. Since both brother and sister are the subject, it’s plural.

5 “Or”/”Nor” in the subject
The word “or” or “nor” means that only one of the choices is the subject, not both. Example My brother or sister is funny. Either brother or sister is the subject, not both, so it’s singular.

6 “Or” Examples (Continued)
My brothers or sisters (is, are) funny. Either “brothers” or “sisters” is the subject, but since whichever one you chose is plural (brothers is more than one brother and sisters is more than one sister), the verb therefore is plural.

7 But what if the word “or”/”nor” gives you a choice between a plural or a singular subject?
Example: Neither my mom nor my friends (is, are) going. ** Go with the choice that is closest to the verb.**

8 Example Neither my mom nor my friends (is, are) going. Mom is singular but friends is plural. Neither my mom nor my friends are going. The word friends, which is closest to the verb, is plural, so assume the subject is plural.

9 Steps to Select the Correct Verb:
Find the subject(s) of the sentence (who or what is doing the action) 2. Determine if the subject is singular (one) or plural (more than one). 3. Follow the “golden rule”.

10 Indefinite Pronouns: Indefinite pronouns are those that do not refer to a specific person or thing

11 Singular Indefinite Pronouns:
anyone, anybody, anything, each, either, every, everyone, everybody, everything, neither, no one, nobody, nothing, one, someone, somebody, something

12 Examples: Everybody (has, have) his own sleeping bag. Each person in the room (is, are) unique. Someone (is, are) calling me. Neither of my parents (is, are) home.

13 Plural Indefinite Pronouns:
many few both several

14 Prepositional Phrases:
If there’s a prepositional phrase following the indefinite pronoun, just focus on the indefinite pronoun to determine if the verb should be singular or plural.

15 Examples: Each of the children (was/were) examined by the doctor. (the subject is each, not children) One of the boxes (has, have) been opened. (the subject is one, not boxes)

16 Singular OR Plural Indefinite Pronouns (depending on the antecedent—what the pronoun is referring to) any all some none most

17 The only time you look at the prepositional phrase, is if it’s one of the indefinite pronouns that can be either singular OR plural (any, all, some, none, most)

18 Examples: All of the snow is shoveled. (singular)
All of the boys are here. (plural) Some of the money is being used. (singular) Some of us are invited to the party. (plural)

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