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When: By the end of class today Who: Everyone What: Will be able to correctly identify and state in his/her own words Newton’s Three Laws of motion By:

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Presentation on theme: "When: By the end of class today Who: Everyone What: Will be able to correctly identify and state in his/her own words Newton’s Three Laws of motion By:"— Presentation transcript:

1 When: By the end of class today Who: Everyone What: Will be able to correctly identify and state in his/her own words Newton’s Three Laws of motion By: Taking notes and looking at examples/demonstrations

2  Velocity is speed in a certain direction.

3  The rate at which velocity changes over time  Speed up, Slow down, or Change direction  Positive Acceleration = Speeding Up  Negative Acceleration = Slowing Down

4  A vector is a measurement that has both a size and a direction.  Examples of vectors:  Force  Velocity

5  Newton’s Laws allow us to see and explain how forces and motion are related in the world around us.  Sometimes these laws seem simple, but Sir Isaac Newton first defined or identified these laws.

6  An object in motion stays in motion, unless acted on by an unbalanced force. OR  An object at rest stays at rest, unless acted on by an unbalanced force.  This law is sometimes nicknamed the “Law of Inertia”

7  Examples:

8  Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion.  The more massive the object, the more inertia (the harder to change its motion)  Examples:

9  Acceleration of an object increases with increased force or with decreased mass.  What does that mean?  If you push or pull harder on an object, then it will accelerate more. OR  If you make the object lighter (less mass) and use the same force, then it will accelerate more.

10  We can express Newton’s Second Law using a formula: F = ma  F is the Force  M is the mass  A is the acceleration

11  If we increase force: F = m a  If we decrease mass: F = m a

12  Examples:

13  For every action force there applied to an object, there is an equal (in size) and opposite (in direction) reaction force.

14  Examples:

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