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Your Word is like a lamp to my feet!

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1 Your Word is like a lamp to my feet!
Hymn 459 Your Word is like a lamp to my feet!

2 1 Your Word is like a lamp to my feet! It guides me through the problems that I meet. It teaches me to pray, it tells me what to say.

3 Your Word, much greater than gold, Lord,
never grows old, Lord, to me. Your Word, far sweeter than honey, more precious than money, to me.

4 2 The Bible tells me always to rejoice! I read it when I need to hear your voice, for there on every page is truth for every age.

5 Your Word, much greater than gold, Lord, never grows old, Lord, to me.
Your Word, far sweeter than honey, more precious than money, to me. Roger Jones

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