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 Rate (how fast) at which charges pass a given point  Measured in Amperes or amps  Current (I)  Electrons moving in a wire make up current and provide.

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2  Rate (how fast) at which charges pass a given point  Measured in Amperes or amps  Current (I)  Electrons moving in a wire make up current and provide energy

3  Direct Current (DC)  Charges move in one direction  Example: batteries  Alternating current (AC)  Charges continually shift from flowing in one direction to other direction  Example: in your home

4  A measure of pressure/force applied to electrons to make them move  Measure of the strength of current  Potential difference between two points in a circuit  V (volts)  Higher voltage means greater energy  More voltage means more current

5  Opposition to the flow of electric charge, property that slows the flow of electrons  Ω Greek letter Omega  Ohms  In questions letter R is used  Called “electrical friction” means the higher your resistance, the lower the charge or current

6  It is a characteristic property of conducting materials  Depends on thickness, length, and temperature of material ▪ Good conductors have low resistance and poor conductors have high resistance ▪ As temperature rises, metals’ resistance decreases

7  R = V/I  V = Voltage (measured in volts V)  I = Current (measured in amps A)  R = Resistance (measured in Ohms Ω)  As resistance increase, current decrease.  As resistance decreases, current increases. V RI x

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