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NFD UI Design For Android Devices. Layout options Anchor navigation and actions. Its position at the top of a screen makes it ideal for presenting navigation.

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Presentation on theme: "NFD UI Design For Android Devices. Layout options Anchor navigation and actions. Its position at the top of a screen makes it ideal for presenting navigation."— Presentation transcript:

1 NFD UI Design For Android Devices

2 Layout options Anchor navigation and actions. Its position at the top of a screen makes it ideal for presenting navigation controls, including switching between tabs or opening the left navigation bar. Since NFD content configurable FACE URI canonization, include the such action in the app bar so people can cut through the navigation hierarchy. Be opinionated about functionality. When NDN app has a large amount of content or capabilities, direct the user’s focus to the most critical aspects of NDN. Highlight navigation to important destinations within the content area. This choice is more appealing based on configurations we have to deal with for NFDC Face URI Canonization and support for register, unregister, create, destroy, unset strategy scenarios.

3 Top-level view strategies Use tabs to switch between a small number of equally important views. Since NFD has a handful of functional areas, each with shallow hierarchies, using tabs increases the awareness of these peer top-level views. It also accelerates switching between them, bringing them into view with just a click or a swipe. However, displaying the tabs takes up significant space on smaller displays, and is efficient only for a small number of peers with succinct labels. Manage more complex structure through a left navigation drawer. The left nav panel can display large numbers of navigation targets concurrently. It is particularly useful when your app has a single, natural “home”, and the drawer can then act as an index of less frequently visited destinations. If your app requires cross- navigation directly from a lower-level screen to other important sections of your app, the ability to swipe in the side nav panel from any point in your app can make that context switch more efficient for the user. However, because it is a less obvious affordance, it may take the user time to familiarize themselves with the contents.

4 Mobile Structure Status Bar AppBar

5 Android status bar height: 24dp The app bar, is going to be a special kind of toolbar that’s used for branding, navigation, configuration, and actions. If we use app with a side nav, the control to open/close the side nav is on the left side of the app bar. The control can also morph into an up arrow for page navigation. The title in the app bar reflects the current page and can be an app title, page title or a page filter. Icons on the right side of the app bar are app-related actions. The menu icon opens the overflow menu, which contains secondary actions and menu items like help, settings, and feedback.

6 Nav/Application ICON

7 Application Menu Stop Start Configure Each screen will have status bar at bottom to display validation / application status with a more button to give a detailed message for example nfd status case.

8 Configure DropDown Stop Start Configure NFD RIB NFD FIB NFD Strateg y NFD Face

9 NFD Configure with checkbox NFD RIB NFD STATUS Apply

10 Settings Menu Settings will open a general settings check boxes to configure the ndn application(face manager, status server, FibManager etc.) to update information in.ndn/nfdc.conf file. Refresh can be used to check the status of nfd daemon.

11 NFD Registration NFD REGIST ER srcurl Apply Target url NFD STRATEGY Command drop down Apply srcturl Target url

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