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Artist Spotlight Henri Matisse. “Drawing is like making an expressive gesture with the advantage of permanence. “ Henri Matisse Henri Matisse.

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Presentation on theme: "Artist Spotlight Henri Matisse. “Drawing is like making an expressive gesture with the advantage of permanence. “ Henri Matisse Henri Matisse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Artist Spotlight Henri Matisse

2 “Drawing is like making an expressive gesture with the advantage of permanence. “ Henri Matisse Henri Matisse

3  Born in France  Born December 31, 1869  died 1954  Leader of the Fauvist Movement  His subjects were largely domestic or figurative  Created paintings that spanned the styles of Impressionism to Abstraction  Created paintings, etching, drawings, sculptures, and cut outs  In 1941 Matisse was diagnosed as having duodenal cancer and was permanently confined to a wheelchair FACTS ABOUT MATISSE

4 The Swan The Swan etching 33 x 25 cm. Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore 1931-1932 Face - Flower Face - Flower pen, ink and gouache on paper 15 x 11.7 cm. 1948 HIS ARTWORK


6 Still Life with Flowers and Fruit Still Life with Flowers and Fruit pen and ink on paper 55 x 74 cm. Private Collection 1947


8 Red Fish. 1911. Oil on canvas.

9 F auvism - An early twentieth century art movement and style of painting in France.  The name Fauves, French for "Wild Beasts“  it was felt that they used intense colors in a violent, uncontrolled way  Was a transitional, learning stage for many artists  Fauvism was overtaken by Cubism







16  style of painting that flourished in France from 1898 to 1908  used pure, brilliant color, applied straight from the paint tubes in an aggressive, direct manner  The Fauves painted directly from nature as the Impressionists had before them, but their works were invested with a strong expressive reaction to the subjects they painted French Fauvism

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