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Choices for Grade 12 2013/2014. CANADIAN WORLD STUDIES GEOGRAPHY HISTORY LAW POLITICS ECONOMICS CWS CGT3O0 Intro to Spatial Technologies CGF3M0 Physical.

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Presentation on theme: "Choices for Grade 12 2013/2014. CANADIAN WORLD STUDIES GEOGRAPHY HISTORY LAW POLITICS ECONOMICS CWS CGT3O0 Intro to Spatial Technologies CGF3M0 Physical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Choices for Grade 12 2013/2014

2 CANADIAN WORLD STUDIES GEOGRAPHY HISTORY LAW POLITICS ECONOMICS CWS CGT3O0 Intro to Spatial Technologies CGF3M0 Physical Geography CHA3U0 American History CHW3M0 World History to the 16th century CGG3O0 Travel & Tourism Psychology and Sociology HSP3C0 Intro to Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology HSP3U0 Intro to Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology HRT3M0 World Religions CGO4M0 Spatial Technologies in Action CGR4E/M0 Environment and Resource Management CGW4U0 Canadian and World Issues CHM4E0 Adventures In World History CHY4U0 World History :the West and the World CIA4U0 Economic Issues CLN4U0 Canadian. & Int'l Law CPW4U0 Canadian and World Politics LVV4U0 Classical Civilizations FAMILY STUDIES, HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES FHS HNC3C0 Understanding Fashion HPW3C0 Working with Children HIP4O0 Personal Life Management HNB4M0 The World of Fashion HFA4U0/4C0 Nutrition and Health HHS4U0/4C0 Families in Canada HHG4M0 Human Development throughout the Lifespan\ HPD4C0 Working with School- Age Children and Adolescents Curriculum Revisions for 2013-2014 Grade 11 Grade 12

3 What you need to graduate 4 English (gr. 9 - 12) 3 Math (gr. 9 - 12) 2 Science (gr. 9 - 10) 1 The Arts (gr. 9 - 10) 1 Can. Geography (gr. 9) 1 Can. History (gr. 10) 1 French (gr. 9) 1 Health & Physical Ed. 1/2 Career Studies (gr. 10) ) 1/2 Civics (gr. 10) Compulsory Credits

4 GROUP 1credit additional English OR a French as a second language, or Native language, or a classical or an international language, OR a Social Science OR Canadian and World Studies OR Guidance and Career Education OR Cooperative Education* GROUP 2 credit Health and Phys. Ed. OR Business Studies OR the Arts OR French as a second language OR Cooperative Education* GROUP 3 credit Science or Technological Education OR French as a second language OR Cooperative Education* Other Credits You Must Have *A MAXIMUM OF 2 OF THESE ADDITIONAL COMPULSORY CREDITS MAY BY MET THROUGH COOPERATIVE EDUCATION

5 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (EQAO) Not Successful? Support (lunch, after school, Learning Strategies class) New students to the country MUST write the Literacy test OLC Course - OLC4O0

6 Community Involvement (40 Hours) YOUR responsibility Four years to complete Do you have your sheet? How many hours so far? *See back of sheet for eligible activities More information: - “Student Stuff”

7 Planning for Grade 12 Backward Plan: Apprenticeship? Work? College? University? Cooperative Education Need to do more self assessment? Pick up list of internet resource sites from On-Call Counselor WORK COLLEGE

8 My Blueprint - Educational planning resource Select “Mayfield Secondary School”

9 Peels’ Virtual Counselor Website

10 Destination Planning University in Ontario: Six grade 12 U or M courses College in Ontario: Grade 11/12 U/M/C/O Applied Degrees: six Grade 12 U or M courses Apprenticeship : OSSD - Diploma –math/science? Other destinations - Outside Ontario/Canada?

11 Grade 12 Types of courses (same as grade11) College preparation (4C0) College/University preparation(4M0) Open (4OO) University (4U0) Workplace preparation (4E0) PATHWAY…PROGRAM…PREREQUISITES

12 Pre-Requisites for Grade 12 Look at the flow-charts to see prerequisite courses for grade 12 courses. For example:. English Grade 11 University English Grade 12 University English Grade 11 College English Grade 12 College

13 Math for Grade 12 Math for Work and Everyday Life MEL 4E0 Foundations of College Mathematics MAP4C0 Mathematics for Technology MCT 4C0 Mathematics of Data Management MDM 4U0 Advanced Functions MHF 4U0 Calculus and Vectors MCV 4U0

14 Grade 11/12 Math Courses Grade 11/12 Math Course MEL3E0 MBF3C0 MCF3M0 MCR3U0 MCT4C0 Grade 12 Math Course MEL4E0 MAP4C0 MDM4U0 MCT4C0 MHF4U0 MHF4U0 MCV4U0

15 Cooperative Education (pg.8) Earn 4 credits by learning at work (GLN4O0) Develop job-related skills and explore possible destinations 4 credits = 1 semester Assembly in April - application and interview Can return for one semester of Coop See Mr. Robertson or Mr. Bredschneider - Coop office

16 Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP ) Begin to earn your apprenticeship hours AND finish high school AT THE SAME TIME Provided through coop programs

17 Things to Think About Some universities outside of Ontario may not consider more than one grade 12 U or M credit from the same subject area Some Eastern Canadian universities may not consider M courses or courses in Technology/ Social Science/ Business/Art. Need 6 4 U/M courses to apply to Ontario Universities

18 Click here


20 Enter your Peel student number and your password. You changed your password from your birth date when you registered for the Post Secondary Conference. See us if you need it reset to your birth date. Indicate that you are returning for the whole year if you are returning to MSS. If you are moving check off the appropriate box. Try to log in this week!

21 Click here

22 Click for course description Choose department

23 Course Detail for HSP3C0

24 Review Selections Pre-requisites indicated here

25 Which Course Type in Grade 12? Commitment to academic success Gr. 11 teachers’ RECOMMENDATIONS Academic achievement so far Areas of interest, learning style Possible destinations & requirements realistic Think about your:

26 That Coop program looks really good! Talk to your parents Speak to the teachers that teach the grade 12 courses!! Refer to Chart Your Course Use the “Courses at a glance” handout See the on call counselor at lunch Choose Wisely!!

27 Final reminders Select a minimum of SEVEN courses as a gr. 12 student if you are returning for a full year. Apply online at – using your student number and password The online window for course selection will be open from February 8 - 18. Do not procrastinate. Make sure you have the proper prerequisites

28 More final reminders….. See the on-call counselor during the lunch hour periods Summer school – Two credit Coop applications available in late February. Summer school courses in April. Space fills up quickly!

29 Login tomorrow and select your courses Time is ticking!

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