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By : Lise Cormier Boudreau. Introduction Do you have a job ? Did you have to do a job interview to get employment ? Do job interviews, or the idea of.

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Presentation on theme: "By : Lise Cormier Boudreau. Introduction Do you have a job ? Did you have to do a job interview to get employment ? Do job interviews, or the idea of."— Presentation transcript:

1 By : Lise Cormier Boudreau

2 Introduction Do you have a job ? Did you have to do a job interview to get employment ? Do job interviews, or the idea of job interviews, make you nervous ? The job interview is an important part of your job search because it’s an opportunity for the employer to figure out if you’re right for the job. Therefore, preparing yourself for a job interview is crucial in order for you to make a positive and lasting impression or your potential employer. The following presentation will give you tips and advice on how to ace your job interview !

3 Before the interview Prove you are ready and interested in the job !!! There are many things you can do to prepare yourself before an interview in order to impress your potential employer : 1) Print extra copies or your resume 2) Find out background information about the company (the mission of the organization, if you have necessary qualifications for job, etc.) 3) Anticipate questions the employer could ask you(skills, strengths, weaknesses, etc.) 4) Think about challenges you have faced in the past and be able to describe how you dealt with them or what you learned 5) Prepare thoughtful and appropriate questions for the employer(what is a typical day life for an employee in this company ? Are there possibilities for advancement ?)

4 At the Interview Dress for success(professional, clean, tidy, no strong scents !) Be on time (plan ahead, 5-10 minutes early to be safe)

5 Be confident (eye contact, calm, clear speaking voice) Watch body language ( sit naturally, don't slouch in your chair or lean on the interviewer's desk, no gum, no fidgeting with jewelry or your hair) At the Interview

6 Be professional (smile, firm handshake, be polite, turn off cell phone, use appropriate language) Listen to what is being said or asked (listen carefully in order to answer the question, never interrupt, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification) At the Interview

7 Let the employer know what you have to offer (past experiences and accomplishments without bragging, show how they can help you contribute to their organization) Show gratitude ! At the Interview

8 Conclusion Preparation is everything ! Make sure to look, act, and sound professional; sell yourself ! Enjoy your new job !

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