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A driver is responsible to know 2 speed zones – 25 mph - Residential, school & business 50 mph - All others No signs posted = choose the proper speed.

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Presentation on theme: "A driver is responsible to know 2 speed zones – 25 mph - Residential, school & business 50 mph - All others No signs posted = choose the proper speed."— Presentation transcript:


2 A driver is responsible to know 2 speed zones – 25 mph - Residential, school & business 50 mph - All others No signs posted = choose the proper speed zone Exceeding the speed is a common factor of all crashes

3 Don’t Be Too Slow Either!

4 Speed limits = highest speed you should travel under ideal conditions. A good rule is to keep up with traffic at any legal speed. Speed Zones 25 - Business or residential 25 - School – must be posted 35 - Suburban business & residential 50 - Other 55 - Certain state highways & interstates 65 - Interstates

5 Double fines – 4 areas where penalties double School Zones Construction Zones Safe Corridor Zones 65 MPH Speed Zones

6 It is possible to get a speeding ticket when going the post limit – WHY? If driving faster than the weather or road conditions safely allow Result = Moving Violation Always slow down:  On narrow or winding roads  At intersections & railroad crossings  Hills  Sharp or blind curves  Wet slippery roads  Pedestrians or driving hazards

7 These are sections of a high way that have above average accident reports. In these areas, which are marked by signs, all fines are doubled as a way of getting motorists to drive with more caution. Higher police presence and additional road maintenance in effort to reduce the accident rate

8 Passing-changing lanes in order to go by slower moving vehicles Ask Yourself- Is it legal? safe? necessary? Legal  line nearest me = solid or broken  sign preventing  Unsafe areas include  hills, curves, blind areas, intersections, rail roads, narrow bridges, other vehicles yielding to pedestrians

9 Law requires motorists to stay to the right, except to pass What good, responsible, safe driver know is when they have the right-of-way and when they have to yield. A good driver will also know when and how to give you their right-of-way. Overly courteous drivers cause a lot of problems

10 Don’t be a Mrs. Wojo!

11 Must yield to: All Emergency vehicles in service (lights & sirens) Buses & postal vehicles re-entering traffic Pedestrians Motorized or mobility vehicles Other vehicles already in intersection

12 NJ experiences a large number of pedestrian accidents compared to other states. In order to reduce this we must take a shared responsibility approach. The motorists must: Yield to pedestrians Don’t block or park on side walks and crosswalks Keep windshield clean Be alert in high pedestrian areas Watch for pedestrians when turn (all) Never pass vehicles that are yielding to pedestrians

13 Penalty for not stopping for a pedestrian: fine up to $500, up to 25 days in jail, community service, a driving privilege suspension of up to 6 months+2 points

14 Definition – where 2 or more roads meet. Most collisions occur at intersections A single solid white line across a road at an intersection is a stop line. If a stop is required, you must come to a complete stop before crossing that line.

15 Controlled – traffic is controlled by traffic signals or signs (or officer) Laws governing signals dictate right-of-way, but at four way stop intersection, when cars arrive together, the vehicle on the left must yield to the vehicle on the right

16 Uncontrolled – intersections without signals or signs reduce speed and be prepared to stop

17 Signals not working = treat as a four-way stop Exam note: a driver cannot drive on private property to avoid a traffic signal or sign, the only time a motorist can do so is when told to by police

18 Blind intersections – slow down or stop to check traffic

19 Circles – rules governing circle are individual

20 Acceleration lanes – extra lanes added to road to allow motorist to speed up in order to enter a roadway. Remember these lanes will end & you are the driver responsible to yield

21 Deceleration lane – extra lanes added to allow motorists to slow down to exit at the posted speed

22 Weaves – combined additional lane for entering & leaving. Motorist entering must yield

23 Disabled Vehicle If your vehicle does break down Pull vehicle as far off the road as possible Signal and slow down with care. Turn on hazard lights Raise hood and or attach cloth to hood or window Place flares or signs 300 feet behind car Call for help and stay with vehicle Don’t stand behind car

24 Curves Approaching curves is the same as approaching a turn except for the single, many people cause their own skid by doing this wrong. Slow down (to posted limit) before entering Avoid drifting Once in the turn foot should be on gas At half way point gradually accelerate

25 Turning Right on Red Law: You must turn right on red unless a sign is posted. Signal Come complete stop After yielding to traffic & pedestrians you may turn Glance at light to see if it has changed


27 Turns continued Right turns: Signal Move to appropriate lane (to far right) Stay in proper lane Be alert to pedestrians or bicyclists on right

28 Turns continued Left turns: Is it legal Left most legal lane, (closest to center line) signal Yield to all on coming & pedestrian traffic Turn into the left most legal lane Stay in lane (Don’t cut or turn wide) Exam -Turning left from two-way to four-lane highway Make the turn before reaching the center of the intersection


30 Stopping Regulations Signs, signals & rules indicate when a motorist should stop. Most accidents occur at intersections because: - trying to jump the signal - ignore yield regulations To avoid accidents -slow down and prepare to stop


32 Stop Solid or flashing red light Officer or traffic control person orders you to School bus with lights on Coming from a private road Draw bridge or rail road with warning lights on Pedestrian in cross walk Blind pedestrian (dog or cane) Motorized wheel chair

33 Train Crossing: Motorist must stop 15 feet from railroad crossings when there are flashing lights, bells or flag signals Fact: A train traveling at 60 mph or more need more than a mile to stop!

34 Stopping continued Stop line – Solid white line across road Certain vehicles must stop at rail road crossings if you are behind one you must also stop (see no passing) School Bus – Stop at least 25 feet in all directions unless: Divided highway In front of school may pass at 10 mph

35 Stop continued Frozen Dessert (ice cream truck): -When conducting business (when you hear the music) - yield to all pedestrians then you may pass at 15 mph Emergency Vehicles - Pull over and stop (yield to) - After the vehicle has passed you may proceed - Don’t follow within 300 feet and never park within 200 feet. Urban areas my have an emergency lane

36 MOVE OVER LAW All motorist approaching a stationary, authorized emergency vehicle, tow truck, highway maintenance, or other emergency service vehicle that are displaying lights must change lanes into one not adjacent to the vehicle If unsafe to change lanes- must reduce speed Violation of this law - $100-$500 fine

37 Use of Lights When: ½ hour after sunset ½ hour before sun rise Wind shield wipers on Visibility of less than 500 feet (fog, smoke, snow) Parking or auxiliary light cannot be used when head lights are required

38 Lights continued Bright or high beams – used for open country driving. TTLB: The person driving toward you can see you. Turn your high beams off anytime there is a vehicle within 500 feet of your car. Including divided highways Quick flash of your lights then look low and to right Dims – for driving in city and traffic



41 Fact: High- beam lights can cause the other motorist pupils to constrict causing a three to five second recovery from the glare Traveling at 50 mph- Traveled a football field without being able to see

42 Other required lights Tail Lights - Rear Brake Lights - Rear Back-up Lights - Rear Plate Lights - Rear Signal Lights - Rear & Front/side Hazard Lights - Rear & Front/side Parking Lights - Rear & Front/side Head Lights - Front Dome Lights - Inside Dash lights - Inside

43 Parking Regulations When leaving a parked car open the door with care the driver is responsible for collisions occurring from opening doors. Cars must be no farther than 6 inches from curb Check for parking regulation signs before parking. Then sign that controls your car is the sign behind you or the last sign you saw.


45 No Parking Fire hydrant – 10 feet Crosswalk – 25 feet Stop Sign & railroad crossing – 50 feet Fire station entrance – 20 feet, 75 feet opposite side On crosswalk On Sidewalk Red or yellow zone (pedestrian safety zone) On interstate In bus stop Driveway entrance (any) On bridge or elevated road Next to another car (double parked) Prohibited by ordinance

46 Cell Phones TTLB: (After seat belts this is the number one TTLB) - Driving and texting has proven to be more dangerous that driving at the level of.08. I will do neither. If I need to talk or texted I will pull over. Pull over, Pull over, Pull over!! $100 to $250 fine, primary offense, all electronics are a GDL offense


48 Sending or receiving a text takes a driver's eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds, the equivalent-at 55 mph-of driving the length of an entire football field, blind.


50 At any given moment during daylight hours, over 800,000 vehicles are being driven by someone using a hand-held cell phone.



53 Littering The driver is responsible for the vehicle, and trash thrown from a vehicle (moving or parked) can result in a fine of up to $1,000 and loss of license. Life lesson – There is no excuse for littering be a better citizen and don’t litter or stand by quietly while others do. Regardless of the situation or location.

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