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Why [insert name of your community] Needs Accessible Spay/Neuter [name of organizations presenting] [date] 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Why [insert name of your community] Needs Accessible Spay/Neuter [name of organizations presenting] [date] 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why [insert name of your community] Needs Accessible Spay/Neuter [name of organizations presenting] [date] 1

2 Canada has a companion animal overpopulation issue Shelters across the country are at or near capacity to care for the animals that are brought to their doors. More than 60 000 shelter animals were euthanized in 2012 [Include the number of cats and dogs who are homeless and in shelters in your community] [Include the number of local shelter animals that were euthanized] 2

3 Animal care professionals widely agree that increasing spay/neuter rates is key to reducing companion animal overpopulation – More than 70% of humane societies, SPCAs, municipalities, rescues, spay/neuter groups, TNR groups, veterinarians responding to Canadian Federation of Humane Society survey – Veterinary organizations, such as Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA), Association of Shelter Veterinarians (ASV) 3

4 What is accessible spay/neuter? Spay/Neuter – collective term for sterilization surgery for cats and dogs (females are spayed and males are neutered) – standard medical procedures that can be performed prior to sexual maturity to prevent reproduction of the animals Accessible spay/neuter – means available to as many pet guardians as possible; – includes subsidized surgery, high-quality/high volume clinics, and mobile and transportation programs that bring clinics closer to the animals or vice versa 4

5 Accessible Spay/Neuter has been shown to have many benefits Fewer animal control complaints Reduced spending for animal control, picking up, impounding, euthanizing animals Reduced spending by animal sheltering organizations Reduced injury and death of livestock, wildlife, Reduced suffering and death of homeless animals Promotion of veterinary services Behavioural benefits for pet guardians (e.g., less roaming, aggression, house soiling, vocalizing) Health benefits to the animal 5

6 [Describe the specific issues in your community] [What are the key barriers in your community – for example, high cost, no clinics close to neighbourhoods where spay/neuter needed most] 6

7 [What do you want decision-makers to do] [For example: Host a meeting with animal stakeholders in the community to explore the issue and solutions Invest in specific proposed spay/neuter initiatives ] 7

8 For more information Go to the CFHS’s Accessible Spay/Neuter webpage where you will find: the CFHS’s detailed, referenced document, The Case for Accessible Spay/Neuter in Canada (funded by PetSmart Charities of Canada) other summary documents of the state of spay/neuter in Canada perspectives from a city official and veterinary private practitioners who are supporting accessible spay/neuter initiatives in their community 8

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