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0 iTools View Builder 2 iTools - View Builder You will also need to have a simulation 3216 running in iTools to link to later.

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Presentation on theme: "0 iTools View Builder 2 iTools - View Builder You will also need to have a simulation 3216 running in iTools to link to later."— Presentation transcript:

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2 iTools View Builder

3 2 iTools - View Builder You will also need to have a simulation 3216 running in iTools to link to later.

4 3 iTools - preparing the page Select a new View Select Properties Tag and change height to 500 pixels and width 700 pixels. Note this defines the size of your page that will appear on the PC screen. Select colour to be Silver, or another colour if you prefer. Select a colour

5 4 iTools - placing text on a page Left click, drag and place on page To change text you need to edit the caption field. If you wish you can experiment with other options such as Colour and Font

6 5 iTools - placing a value on the page Select OPC tab and then you should find your 3216 IDM within the Simulation folder. Use the Edit icon to place a box on the page Then drag and drop the PV input into it. Then hit the Run button

7 6 iTools - placing a shape on the page Select the shape icon and place on the page. You can now edit the properties of the shape using the functions on the left-hand side of the page Then hit the Run button Then select the Properties tab

8 7 iTools - creating a drag down box Select OPC tab. Select the Drop Down icon and place on the page. Now select and drag the SPSelect parameter into the box. Then hit the Run button

9 8 iTools - creating a “radio” button Change the first button caption to Manual and the second to Auto Drag and drop the Loop Mode parameter onto both of the buttons Select the Radio Button icon and place on the page, repeat for a second button. Then hit the Run button Toggle the buttons

10 9 iTools - importing an image Press the image icon and click it onto the screen In properties go to Pictureand click the right hand side of the box, this will allow you to search for an image Press the Load button and choose a picture. Then press and

11 10 iTools - importing an image Then hit the Run button

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