Arrhythmia Tasha McDevitt Patient Care Sciences II Inst: Dr. Hoeff.

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1 Arrhythmia Tasha McDevitt Patient Care Sciences II Inst: Dr. Hoeff

2 What is It? Arrhythmia is any change from the normal heart beat (electrical impulses) Can be minimal with little consequence or a serious medical issue Can indicate a more serious issue such as heart disease or stroke

3 Normal Electrical Impulse

4 Normal ECG Reading

5 Types of Arrhythmias Bradycardia = too slow of a heart beat Tachycardia = too fast of a heart beat Fibrillation = quivering Premature contraction = early beat

6 Bradycardia Heart Rate of less than 60 bpm Physically active adults or elderly may have lower resting heart rate with no problems occuring Symptoms include: dizziness, fatigue, lightheadedness & fainting Cardiac arrest may occur if untreated

7 Causes of Bradycardia Problems with the sinoatrial (SA) node; the hearts natural pacemaker Problems in the conduction pathways of the heart (electrical impulses are not conducted from the atria to the ventricles) Metabolic problems such as hypothermia Damage to the heart from heart attack or heart disease

8 Bradycardia Cont. Treatment can include an artificial pacemaker if symptoms are severe enough, but often times no treatment is needed ECG of Bradycardia Normal ECG for comparison

9 Tachycardia Having a heart rate of more than 100 bpm depending on age and physical condition Symptoms can include fainting, dizziness, palpations & pounding heart Medications can help to control tachycardia, or an electric defibrillator can be implanted

10 Types of Tachycardia Three different types: – Atrial or Supraventricular tachycardia: start either in the upper chambers (atria) or the middle region (AV node or the beginning portion of the Bundle of HIS/Purkinjie fiber system); Produces weak contractions; most likely due to heart disease or birth defect – Sinus Tachycardia: heart rate that’s faster than normal but heart functions properly – Ventricular tachycardia: start in lower chambers (ventricles); CAN BE LIFE THREATENING;

11 Tachycardia Cont. ECG of Tachycardia

12 Fibrillation Heart muscle quivers but does not produce enough coordinated pumping action to force blood out of the heart Symptoms can include dizziness & fatigue, along with possible cardiac arrest Treatment includes medication warfarin( COUMADIN) or asprin to thin blood or an electric defibrillator

13 Types of Fibrillation Two types: – Atrial fibrillation: manageable condition that can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke if not controlled Most common serious heart condition in elderly. More likely to develop if smoking Atria pump but do not get rid of all of the blood in the heart, allowing it to pool and clot

14 Types of Fibrillation Cont. – Ventricular fibrillation: life threatening condition that requires immediate emergency care The lower chambers quiver and do not fully pump blood, causing cardiac arrest ECG of Ventricular Fibrillation

15 Premature Contraction The heart produces an early beat, making the heart have a forceful sensation like its “skipping a beat” The premature contraction can occur in the atrium or ventricles Usually no cause is found, most people have them from time to time and they usually correct themselves-treatment only happens if it is reoccurring or a cause is found

16 Premature Contraction ECG of Premature Ventricular Contraction Normal ECG for comparison

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