FRONTS 24-2. Fronts When 2 air masses meet density differences keep them separate Front- boundary between air masses 100’s to 1,000’s of miles wide.

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Presentation on theme: "FRONTS 24-2. Fronts When 2 air masses meet density differences keep them separate Front- boundary between air masses 100’s to 1,000’s of miles wide."— Presentation transcript:

1 FRONTS 24-2

2 Fronts When 2 air masses meet density differences keep them separate Front- boundary between air masses 100’s to 1,000’s of miles wide



5 Cold Front Cold air mass overtakes a warm air mass Cold air lift warm air up Short lived Violent

6 Squall line – long line of heavy thunderstorms

7 Warm Front Front edge of an advancing warm air mass Cold mass retreats from an area Precipitation over a large area

8 Stationary Front Fronts either move very slow or don’t move

9 Occluded Front Cold air mass overtakes warm air mass Lift warm air up above

10 Polar Front Cold polar air meets warm tropical air

11 Midlatitude Cyclone Low pressure Rotating wind Moves towards the rising air of central low pressure regions

12 Midlatitude Cyclone Stages

13 Anticyclone Air sinks and flows outward from a center of high pressure Clockwise in NH Dry weather

14 Thunderstorms Heavy storm with rain, thunder, lightning, and winds 3 stages: 1. Cumulus – warm moist air rises 2. Mature – dark cumulonimbus (heavy rain) 3. Dissipating - end

15 Lightning Clouds discharge electricity Rapid expansion of air – thunder Lightning fun facts!

16 Hurricanes Tropical oceans 120 mph winds in a spiral Intense low pressure


18 Winds increase towards the center – eye Eye – calm sinking air Storms surge – rising sea level


20 Safir-Simpson Scale

21 Tornadoes Rotating column of air High winds Funnel-shaped 400 km/hr Thunderstorm meets a high altitude horizontal wind


23 Tornado Alley

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