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What’s the Difference? The “Retail” financial industry is where most of the public receives its advice and financial instruments. The “Institutional”

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3 What’s the Difference? The “Retail” financial industry is where most of the public receives its advice and financial instruments. The “Institutional” financial industry is how the large institutions and very affluent consumers access their advice and asset management.

4 What’s the Difference Retail is, by definition, the sale of products to the public. “Everyone has access to the same thing” Good for investors who are just starting to save and a good way to generalize financial services Institutional level investment and advice is customized to you and more comprehensive. Better for investors that have already saved their nest egg and need a customized approach before and through retirement.

5 Retail Investment Generalists: Offer a broad range of packaged financial products but don’t specialize in any particular area. Tend to utilize commissionable transitions with clients. Ask your advisor or broker: “How do you get paid?”


7 Institutional Wealth Managers: Typically, fiduciary advisors take a comprehensive approach to meeting clients needs. Highly customized and consultative approach to constructing financial plans Tend to work on a residual fee basis for their services.

8 Institutional Asset Management The same level of asset management used by large institutions, endowments, funds and wealthy individuals. Your money is not “pooled” together with others into a “fund”. You receive a customized selection of securities in accordance to your specific investment objectives.

9 Institutional Level Advice Clients deserve institutional level professionals working on your behalf. Wealthy clients have benefited from the advice and management of these institutional managers for years. We believe our clients deserve that same access and have set up our independent firm to provide just that.

10 Our Wealth Management 3 phases: 1. Consultative process: Establish a close relationship with our clients to get a detailed understanding of your wants, needs and objectives. 2. Customized choices and recommendations: We focus on investment management, insurance, estate planning and retirement planning. 3. Ongoing active management of the customized solution: Work very closely with our clients to communicate what's happening within their plan and together make any appropriate changes to meet your needs. Communication is key!

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