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Ten Inspirational Artists Your Name, Ms. Daniels, Period Date.

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Presentation on theme: "Ten Inspirational Artists Your Name, Ms. Daniels, Period Date."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ten Inspirational Artists Your Name, Ms. Daniels, Period Date

2 Instructions You are to research 10 contemporary artists that inspire you in someway, either IN COMBINATION… their technique, choice of medium, subject matter, and/or message. You should be looking for artists that will help guide your AP portfolio development. Therefore at least 8 of the 10 must be in the medium of your portfolio. For example, if you are in AP3D then 8 of the artists must be 3D artists. The following template is set up with the information required. However, you can expand as needed. Be prepared to present this power point to your class. Please delete this page when completed.

3 Name of Inspiring Contemporary Artist #1 Picture of Artist Brief Bio Artistic Style Link(s) to website(s) – this should not be a Google address but the actual link! Why you find them to be inspiring? What do you like about their art?

4 Name of Inspiring Contemporary Artist #1 Insert pictures of 5 pieces of this artist’s work – one on this page and the other 4 on the next 4 pages. One whole page image per slide. Make sure to include the title of the piece. You should be searching for a medium to large file size to ensure quality.

5 Name of Inspiring Contemporary Artist #1




9 Name of Inspiring Contemporary Artist #2 Picture of Artist Brief Bio Artistic Style Link(s) to website(s) – this should not be a Google address but the actual link! Why you find them to be inspiring? What do you like about their art?

10 Name of Inspiring Contemporary Artist #2 Insert pictures of 5 pieces of this artist’s work – one on this page and the other 4 on the next 4 pages. One whole page image per slide. Make sure to include the title of the piece. You should be searching for a medium to large file size to ensure quality.

11 Name of Inspiring Contemporary Artist #2




15 Name of Inspiring Contemporary Artist #3 Picture of Artist Brief Bio Artistic Style Link(s) to website(s) – this should not be a Google address but the actual link! Why you find them to be inspiring? What do you like about their art?

16 Name of Inspiring Contemporary Artist #3 Insert pictures of 5 pieces of this artist’s work – one on this page and the other 4 on the next 4 pages. One whole page image per slide. Make sure to include the title of the piece. You should be searching for a medium to large file size to ensure quality.

17 Name of Inspiring Contemporary Artist #3




21 Name of Inspiring Contemporary Artist #4 Picture of Artist Brief Bio Artistic Style Link(s) to website(s) – this should not be a Google address but the actual link! Why you find them to be inspiring? What do you like about their art?

22 Name of Inspiring Contemporary Artist #4 Insert pictures of 5 pieces of this artist’s work – one on this page and the other 4 on the next 4 pages. One whole page image per slide. Make sure to include the title of the piece. You should be searching for a medium to large file size to ensure quality.

23 Name of Inspiring Contemporary Artist #4




27 Name of Inspiring Contemporary Artist #5 Picture of Artist Brief Bio Artistic Style Link(s) to website(s) – this should not be a Google address but the actual link! Why you find them to be inspiring? What do you like about their art?

28 Name of Inspiring Contemporary Artist #5 Insert pictures of 5 pieces of this artist’s work – one on this page and the other 4 on the next 4 pages. One whole page image per slide. Make sure to include the title of the piece. You should be searching for a medium to large file size to ensure quality.

29 Name of Inspiring Contemporary Artist #5




33 What do you think? One quick paragraph summarizing what you think about what you found.

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