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Dr. Jan Cioe, OUC Psychology Dept.; adapted, with permission, by Ross Tyner, OC Library, 2006.09.21 APA (5 th ed.) Citation Style How to create reference.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Jan Cioe, OUC Psychology Dept.; adapted, with permission, by Ross Tyner, OC Library, 2006.09.21 APA (5 th ed.) Citation Style How to create reference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Jan Cioe, OUC Psychology Dept.; adapted, with permission, by Ross Tyner, OC Library, 2006.09.21 APA (5 th ed.) Citation Style How to create reference list entries

2 Structure of a citation: Periodical [paper copy] Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of periodical, xx, yyy-yyy. includes items published on a regular basis –e.g., journals, magazines, scholarly newsletters, etc. hanging paragraph format

3 Structure of a citation: Periodical [paper copy] Petrusic, W. M., Baranski, J. V., & Kennedy, R. (1998). Similarity comparisons with remembered and perceived magnitudes: Memory psychophysics and fundamental measurement. Memory and Cognition, 26, 1041-1055.

4 Structure of a citation: Periodical: Author(s) Petrusic, W. M., Baranski, J. V., & Kennedy, R. (1998). Similarity comparisons with remembered and perceived magnitudes: Memory psychophysics and fundamental measurement. Memory and Cognition, 26, 1041-1055.

5 Structure of a citation: Periodical: Date Petrusic, W. M., Baranski, J. V., & Kennedy, R. (1998). Similarity comparisons with remembered and perceived magnitudes: Memory psychophysics and fundamental measurement. Memory and Cognition, 26, 1041-1055.

6 Structure of a citation: Periodical: Article title Petrusic, W. M., Baranski, J. V., & Kennedy, R. (1998). Similarity comparisons with remembered and perceived magnitudes: Memory psychophysics and fundamental measurement. Memory and Cognition, 26, 1041-1055.

7 Structure of a citation: Periodical: Journal title Petrusic, W. M., Baranski, J. V., & Kennedy, R. (1998). Similarity comparisons with remembered and perceived magnitudes: Memory psychophysics and fundamental measurement. Memory and Cognition, 26, 1041-1055.

8 Structure of a citation: Periodical: Volume number Petrusic, W. M., Baranski, J. V., & Kennedy, R. (1998). Similarity comparisons with remembered and perceived magnitudes: Memory psychophysics and fundamental measurement. Memory and Cognition, 26, 1041-1055.

9 Structure of a citation: Periodical: Page numbers Petrusic, W. M., Baranski, J. V., & Kennedy, R. (1998). Similarity comparisons with remembered and perceived magnitudes: Memory psychophysics and fundamental measurement. Memory and Cognition, 26, 1041-1055.

10 Periodical Citation: PsycINFO Can you pick out the pieces? –Authors? Date? Article title? Periodical title? Volume [issue]? Pages?

11 Structure of a citation: Online Periodical if you use an article database to get an online, full-text version of the article [HTML, PDF] you need to add some more information Retrieved month, day, year, from source. –when YOU retrieved it

12 Online Periodical: PsycINFO

13 Structure of a citation: Online Periodical Petrusic, W. M. (1992). Semantic congruity effects and theories of the comparison process. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 18, 962-986. Retrieved September 20, 2006, from the PsycARTICLES database.

14 Structure of citation: Monograph Author, A. A. (year). Title of work. Location: Publisher. items published separately –books, reports, brochures, manuals, and audiovisual media

15 Structure of citation: Monograph Kolb, B., & Whishaw, I. Q. (2001). An introduction to brain and behavior. New York: Worth Publishers.

16 PscyINFO Citation: Monograph

17 Structure of a citation: Part of a Monograph Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (year). Title of chapter. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pp. xxx- xxx). Location: Publisher. e.g., book chapter in an edited book

18 Structure of a citation: Part of a Monograph special considerations –initials of editors go BEFORE surname –insert (Ed.) or (Eds.) after last editor followed by comma –book title italicized with initial capital, capital after colon, or capital for proper nouns [including abbreviations] –page numbers of chapter

19 Structure of a citation: Part of a Monograph Rasmusson, A. M., & Friedman, M. J. (2002). Gender issues in the neurobiology of PTSD. In R. Kimerling, P. Ouimette, & J. Wolfe (Eds.), Gender and PTSD (pp. 43-75). New York: The Guilford Press.

20 Structure of a citation: Part of a Monograph Kolb, B., & Gibb, R. (2002). Frontal lobe plasticity and behavior. In D. T. Stuss & R. T. Knight (Eds.), Principles of frontal lobe function (pp. 528-540). London: Oxford University Press.

21 Dr. Jan Cioe, OUC Psychology Dept.; adapted, with permission, by Ross Tyner, OC Library, 2006.09.21 For more detailed information… Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5 th ed.) –available in the Reference Collection of the Library -- BF 76.7.P83 2001

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