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Introduction to DNA and RNA Biology Standards B-4.1: Compare DNA and RNA in terms of structure, nucleotides, and base pairs. B-4.2: Summarize the relationship.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to DNA and RNA Biology Standards B-4.1: Compare DNA and RNA in terms of structure, nucleotides, and base pairs. B-4.2: Summarize the relationship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to DNA and RNA Biology Standards B-4.1: Compare DNA and RNA in terms of structure, nucleotides, and base pairs. B-4.2: Summarize the relationship among DNA, genes, and chromosomes.

2 Nucleic Acids  Remember, there are 4 major Organic Compounds 1.Carbohydrates 2.Lipids 3.Proteins 4.Nucleic Acids

3 Nucleic Acids  Nucleic acids are organic molecules that serve as the blueprint for proteins  These proteins give organisms their unique traits  Example: hair color, eye color, blood type, height, digestive enzymes, skin color, etc.

4 2 types of Nucleic Acids  There are two types of nucleic acids  DNA = Deoxyribonucleic acid  RNA = Ribonucleic acid  Both DNA and RNA are composed of small units called nucleotides  Nucleotides have 3 parts: 1.Nitrogenous Base 2.Pentose Sugar 3.Phosphate Group

5 All about DNA  DNA is a double Helix  Double = 2 strands  Helix = twisted/winded  DNA has 3 parts 1.Nitrogenous bases  Adenine  Thymine  Guanine  Cytosine 2.Sugar  Deoxyribose 3.Phosphate Group

6 All about RNA  RNA is a single helix  Single = 1 strand  Helix = twisted/winded  RNA has 3 parts 1.Nitrogenous bases  Adenine  Uracil  Guanine  Cytosine 2.Sugar  Ribose 3.Phosphate group

7 Let’s Compare DNA and RNA DNARNA Type of baseCytosine (C) Adenine (A) Guanine (G) Thymine (T) Cytosine (C) Adenine (A) Guanine (G) Uracil (U) Type of sugarDeoxyriboseRibose Molecule structure/shape Double HelixSingle Helix

8 Complimentary Base Pairing in DNA  When the nitrogenous bases of two strands of DNA chemically bond through the center of the helix, each base can bond to only one type of base  Bases that bond are called complementary bases  Adenine (A) will only pair with Thymine (T)  Guanine (G) will only pair with Cytosine (C)  When the nitrogenous bases of RNA chemically bond to a strand of DNA, each RNA base can bond with only one type of DNA base. These bases are also called complementary bases  Adenine (A) will only pair with Uracil (U)  Guanine (G) will only pair with Cytosine (C)  **essentially, uracil replaces thymine in RNA**

9 Try This…  Write the complementary strand of DNA for the following 2 sequences of DNA: 1.A T G C A T G C T T A G T C C A 2.G C A T G G A A T C A C A G T T  Write the complementary strand of RNA for the following 2 sequences of DNA: 1.A T G C A T G C T T A G T C C A 2.G C A T G G A A T C A C A G T T

10 Chromosomes to Genes

11 What do these terms mean?  Chromosome – structure in the nucleus consisting of one long, tightly coiled thread of DNA  DNA – composed of nucleotides, provides the blueprint for protein synthesis by the specific arrangement of nitrogenous bases  Gene – a specific location on a chromosome, consisting of a segment of DNA, that codes for a particular protein. These determine the characteristics of an organism.  Each chromosome consists of hundreds of genes determining the many proteins for an individual organism

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