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1 Holidays. 2 Where to go …... Places to go People to go with Reports and Books Food and Fun Coming Home.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Holidays. 2 Where to go …... Places to go People to go with Reports and Books Food and Fun Coming Home."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Holidays

2 2 Where to go …... Places to go People to go with Reports and Books Food and Fun Coming Home

3 3 Places to go Cool Places for Holidays Hot Places for Holidays Fun Places for Holidays

4 4 Cool Places for Holidays Switzerland Canada Iceland New Zealand

5 5 Switzerland Very expensive Very clean Very unique Very chic

6 6 Canada Wide Open countryside Fantastic Cities Breathtaking natural phenomena Very varied and vivid holidays

7 7 Iceland All Night Partying Expensive drinks …. but good company Best hangover cures ever ….. Spa pools An experience you’ll never forget

8 8 New Zealand Similar to UK ….. However, it is smaller and nicer Varied climates between the islands See the wild life but without the crowds People always want to go back there!

9 9 Hot Places for Holidays Africa The Mediterranean USA Chile Mexico

10 10 Africa Central Kenya South Africa East Coast (for something different)

11 11 The Mediterranean Islands –Kos, Cyprus, Greek, Ibiza Mainland –Italy, Spain, Turkey, Israel Something for everyone

12 12 USA East and West Coast Travel Across –By Train, Plane or Lawnmower Big Cities Open Countryside Extremes of weather and cultural attractions

13 13 Chile The Thin Country Interesting and varied countryside Very tough and not for the ‘casual’ tourist Dinner-table talking point

14 14 Mexico Both package holiday and independent traveller can enjoy this country. Lots of beaches as well as historical places Great food and drink

15 15 Fun Places for Holidays Disney Land or Disney World Epoch Center Inca Trails Surfing on Bondi Beach

16 16 People to go with Family Friends Strangers Solo

17 17 Family Close or distant Lots or just the select few

18 18 Friends Brilliant fun - know the people and what they are like socially Potential disaster! - loss of friends at the end of the time

19 19 Strangers There are lots of firms that allow single travellers to meet up as a group and then go off on an adventure. Can be scary Can also be great fun

20 20 Solo The world is your canvas and you can go wherever you want! Not for the faint hearted

21 21 Reports and Books Lonely Planet AA Guides Rough Guide The Internet Holiday Programs on TV

22 22 Food and Fun Always –Try the local drink and food –Learn to say Thank you in the language if it isn’t English –Follow any local customs or advice Take lots of photos Write postcards telling people what its like

23 23 Coming Home Get all your films developed Talk lots about your holiday Take life easy SMILE because you’ve been away

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