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Presented By: Nora Jaramillo, MJ Boyter, Kristin Carter. Reem Kievit, Crystal Rivera, Matt Craft, Robert Garcia.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By: Nora Jaramillo, MJ Boyter, Kristin Carter. Reem Kievit, Crystal Rivera, Matt Craft, Robert Garcia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By: Nora Jaramillo, MJ Boyter, Kristin Carter. Reem Kievit, Crystal Rivera, Matt Craft, Robert Garcia

2 Mission and Vision Vision Statement: Collaboratively inspire all students to be life-long learners. Mission Statement: Clash Middle School will provide a safe, rigorous learning environment where all students will develop the skills and knowledge to become 21 st century learners.

3 Academic Data Reading: Our AIMS data shows a decrease in student achievement. Our 3 rd grade decreased from 2010- 2011, our 4 th to 5 th grade decreased by 15.8%, and 7 th to 8 th grade decreased by 16.4% in one year.

4 Academic Data Math: Our AIMS data shows a decrease in student achievement. Our 3 rd grade decreased from 2010- 2011, our 4 th to 5 th grade decreased by 32.6%, and 7 th to 8 th grade decreased by 3.7% in one year.

5 Attendance Data There is a noticeable decrease in attendance rates between third and fifth grade and a downward trend in attendance through sixth, seventh, and eighth grades.

6 Standard 1: School and District Leadership SMART GOAL 1. A leader will create a collaborative community that will actively promote ongoing, two-way communication among multiple stakeholder groups to support instruction and student achievement.

7 Strategies  Create PLCs within grade level teams.  Provide common planning time.

8 Action Steps  Modify the master schedule to allow for common planning time.  Provide PD on PLC programs and interactions  Model open-door communication styles and collaborative processes.  Provide Staff and Parent survey to ensure best practices

9 Standard 2: Curriculum, Instruction, Professional Development SMART GOAL 1. Provide teachers and staff Professional Development on how to utilize formative and summative data to improve instruction and support a 5% growth in student achievement in reading and math in grades 3 rd, 5 th and 8 th.

10 Strategies  Provide Professional Development on Response to Intervention (RTI) instruction model and ATI Galileo  Implement EEI instruction models across grade levels.

11 Action Steps  Enroll coaches in PD on ATI and RTI in order to share and instruct the staff.  Provide EEI instruction to all current teachers and require new teachers to participate in PD during New Teacher Induction  Provide weekly Collaboration time on Wednesdays for PD and data analysis of formative and summative assessments.  Teachers turn in intervention and enrichment plans based on PLC collaboration and Data.

12 Standard 3: Classroom and School Assessment SMART GOAL 1. Teachers will collaboratively analyze and utilize formative and summative assessment data to reteach, intervene, and enrich instruction to show a 5% growth in reading and math.

13 Strategies  Teachers will utilize ATI and RTI to create formative and summative assessments given at each grade level quarterly.  Teachers will provide differentiated instruction based on Data.

14 Action Steps  Our school improvement team meets annually to review the results of student outcomes in relation to the standards and revises the curriculum where appropriate.  Grade-level and teacher meetings include discussions about student achievement data at the school, classroom, and individual level to inform school and classroom-based decisions.  PLC Logs will be completed by staff and reviewed by an administrator

15 Standard 4: Culture, Climate and Community SMART GOAL 1. Teachers will increase daily attendance by 5%.

16 Strategies  Implement a Positive Behavioral Instruction Supports (PBIS) program to increase achievement.  Provide attendance incentives through extra curricular actives and community connections.

17 Action Steps  Provide PD on PBIS for appropriate staff members  Attendance Assembly  Post Attendance Data Boards in hall ways  Create and provide incentive plan for attendance  Monitor daily attendance to ensure an increase of 5%.

18 Celebrate Success!

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