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4 Week Unlocking Creativity ONLINE Course This is a totally practical four week course that is designed to unlock your creativity and take your writing.

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Presentation on theme: "4 Week Unlocking Creativity ONLINE Course This is a totally practical four week course that is designed to unlock your creativity and take your writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 Week Unlocking Creativity ONLINE Course This is a totally practical four week course that is designed to unlock your creativity and take your writing to another level. The course is conducted completely ONLINE. All course materials are available to be downloaded from our website.

2 The Aim of the Course You will learn tools and techniques that will enable you to tap into the power of your imagination and dramatically improve your writing, understanding of character development and ability to tell a story.

3 Who Is the Course For? Unlocking Creativity is suitable for anyone who wants to improve or kick start their writing, whether you are a professional writer, a complete beginner or somewhere in between. As it is a practical creative process, it will work for you no matter what level you are at in your writing process.

4 How the Course Works It has been said, you can’t be taught how to write, but you can learn. It is a craft. This course aims to give you practical tools, techniques and processes that will improve your writing and allow it to flow from the very first session.

5 Develop a Writing Habit Writers are people who write. You will read your course materials and do a series of writing exercises. You will then post them on the internet and give and receive feedback. If you want to write, you have to develop a writing habit. Otherwise writing will always remain a hope or a dream. The magic is always on the page.

6 Course Content Week 1 and 2 Week 1. Learn tools to access your imagination, the true source of creative power. Week 2.What’s stopping you from writing? The power of emotion and detail. How to draw readers into your fictional world and keep them there.

7 Course Content Week 3 and 4 Week 3. Find out how to take a character on an emotional and spiritual journey of change and discover how character is linked to story structure. Plus, the power of images. Week 4. Write a guided short story and learn how to leave space for your reader’s imagination.

8 The Only Failure of Writing If you want to write, the only failure is stopping. Everything you want in life is on the other side of fear and discipline. Discipline is the refining fire by which talent becomes ability.

9 Interactive Component You will do your exercises, post them on the internet and give and receive feedback. You will also receive feedback on some of your work from your online tutor. Giving and receiving feedback is an important part of the process, as it nurtures and stimulates your creativity, both in the giving and the receiving. The first step in becoming a better writer is to become a better reader.

10 By the End of the Course You will have: 1.Discovered the power of accessing your imagination. 2.Learnt how to get into your characters and make them come alive on the page. 3.Dramatically improved your writing. 4.Developed an understanding of how story structure works and written a short story.

11 And you will have experienced the joy and freedom of unlocking your creativity and writing!

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