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Argumentation Thesis and Support. Society believes.... 1.Teens today are too.... 2.Teens today are not thinking enough about.... 3.Teens today need to....

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Presentation on theme: "Argumentation Thesis and Support. Society believes.... 1.Teens today are too.... 2.Teens today are not thinking enough about.... 3.Teens today need to...."— Presentation transcript:

1 Argumentation Thesis and Support

2 Society believes.... 1.Teens today are too.... 2.Teens today are not thinking enough about.... 3.Teens today need to.... 4.Parents need to do the following for their teenager(s): (list three things) 5.Parents need to do less of the following for their teenager(s): (list three things)

3 6. I believe teenagers today... (this response should be 4-6 sentences) Now, for AFFLUENZA!

4 As you watch the video clips (3) from Inside Edition record TEN facts or statements that you can glean about AFFLUENZA !



7 For Article 2:“The Affluenza Defense” You will use the four areas broken down on your circle to address the four close reading questions! Label each zone with 1, 2, 3, and 4!

8 For Article 2:“The Affluenza Defense” 1 Write down your thoughts about the text. Be sure you fill up the zone! 2 Select a striking sentence, phrase, word, or image from any part of the text. Fill up the zone with writing about it or from it. 3 Pick a passage that’s important to the way you understand or experience the text. Which words or phrases are most central to the meaning and/or beauty of this passage? Write the passage and highlight these important words/phrases. Why is this passage important to the text as a whole? 4 What question is this text answering? What makes it speak? Is there trauma at its center? What do you imagine it to be?

9 Number off 1- 6 You are writing to Convincing that person that 1 An arrogant teen who comes from a wealthy family and doesn’t accept responsibility. Affluenza is a true ailment. 2 An arrogant teen who comes from a wealthy family and doesn’t accept responsibility. Affluenza is an excuse for bad parenting. 3 A humble and well adjusted teen who comes from a middle class family, who sees his/her peers getting away with nonsense and not accepting responsibility and is oozing frustration. Affluenza is a true ailment. 4 A humble and well adjusted teen who comes from a middle class family, who sees his/her peers getting away with nonsense and not accepting responsibility and is oozing frustration. Affluenza is an excuse for bad parenting. 5 A parent who is frustrated with his/her teen because s/he is out of control and reckless because of inconsiderate and out of control behavior. Affluenza is a true ailment. 6 A parent who is frustrated with his/her teen because s/he is out of control and reckless because of inconsiderate and out of control behavior. Affluenza is an excuse for bad parenting.

10 In your response you will need to include the following: 2 short quotes 1 summary reference from the video clip from Inside Edition. 1 paraphrase as the second to last sentence in your thesis and support. 1 long quote that you utilize an ellipses. This should be in proper MLA format *Both articles must be utilized in your thesis and support. The length is up to you! Just be sure you have a complete paragraph. This is due on Monday!

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