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 Constant Awareness to SMART Goal › Your SMART Goal is the one item that should be at the forefront of every thought and action. › Any decision must.

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Presentation on theme: " Constant Awareness to SMART Goal › Your SMART Goal is the one item that should be at the forefront of every thought and action. › Any decision must."— Presentation transcript:


2  Constant Awareness to SMART Goal › Your SMART Goal is the one item that should be at the forefront of every thought and action. › Any decision must be made through the filter of the SMART Goal. › Without a guiding principle then you risk following any fad program that comes out. › The SMART Goal will help to make decisions for you.

3  Pre-Workout › This section is even before the Warm-Up › This would be a time-period in which time is taken to work on skills, movement preparation, pre or re-habilitation exercises › Anything that aids in the successful completion of the workout plan

4  Warm-Up › General Warm-Up  This kind of warm-up is designed to generally prepare the body for exercise.  It should increase heart rate, increase blood flow to the muscles, and increase breathing rate. › Specific Warm-Up  A specific warm-up mimic’s or is directly related to the intended workout activity for the day.  An example of this would be to perform 3-5 sets of extremely light squat sets before doing a squat workout.

5  Workout › This is the intended focus for the day › Exercise selection should be directly related to the success of the SMART Goal › These selections do not have to BE the SMART Goal but must have a direct link to one or more aspects of the SMART Goal. › Each workout from the beginning to the end must be progressive and consistently work up to the completion of the SMART Goal.

6  Post-Workout › This phase would be to add “finisher” to a workout › A “finisher” can be anything generally related to the workout  Items can be conditioning related but also include skill-related exercises, pre or re-habilitative exercises.

7  Cool-Down › The purpose of the cool-down is to return the heart rate back to pre-workout levels. › The cool-down is general in nature and does not need to be related to the SMART Goal or the Workout Plan. › Usually flexibility is a main focus of this phase of the a workout routine.

8  Cardio-respiratory Endurance  Strength Development  Power/Speed Development  Muscular Size/Tone  Metabolic Conditioning  Flexibility/Mobility Training  Skill/Technique Acquisition/Development

9  The main focus of these workouts are to achieve and maintain an elevated heart for an extended period of time.  The common method to achieve this is to perform long-distance jogging, running, biking, swimming, ect. › However this is not the only way to achieve cardio-respiratory fitness.  Consider “other” methods; weight training, sprint training, medballs, kettelbells, ect.

10  The main focus of these types of workouts is to increase the muscle’s ability to perform tasks  The traditional methods of developing strength would be through the use of “free” weights or machines. › The fitness industry has exploded with a wide range of methods and various equipment to develop strength. › The beauty in this is that there should be something that fits your interest and comfort level.

11  The main focus in developing speed and/or power is to perform tasks and exercises as fast as possible with as much force as possible.  The traditional methods to develop this muscular quality is through powerlifting and/or Olympic weightlifting. › Other methods would include almost anything that requires quick movement with rapid force.

12  The focus of these workouts would be to increase the overall size and visual aesthetic of a particular muscle group(s).  The traditional method to develop this would be bodybuilding. › Many programs and methods have been created for the past 70+ years.

13  This type of workout has gained a lot of popularity in the past few years.  The traditional name has always been “circuit training.” › These workouts are characterized by high volume/high repetition workloads with very minimal rest in-between sets and/or exercises. › The goal is generally cardio-respiratory endurance but with strength/speed building elements.

14  The obvious focus of these workouts would be to increase the range of motion in the joints.  Traditionally “stretching” was done before workouts to prepare the body for a workout. › Recent research has shown that flexibility work is more beneficial post-workout or at the very least once a thorough warm-up has been completed. › Other methods such as yoga’s sole focus of the workout is to develop flexibility and mobility throughout different phases of the workout.

15  The focus of this type of workout would be to acquire a new skill and/or practice the techniques related to that new skill.  These workouts are vital when first starting a new workout regiment. › The intensity of these workouts are greatly reduced and focused on creating the mind- muscle connections necessary for new skill development.

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