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16th RRI International Breast Cancer Support Conference Taipei. Taiwan. 10 th -12 th November 2011 Concurrent 1.6 CAPACITY BUILDING FOR SUPPORT GROUPS.

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Presentation on theme: "16th RRI International Breast Cancer Support Conference Taipei. Taiwan. 10 th -12 th November 2011 Concurrent 1.6 CAPACITY BUILDING FOR SUPPORT GROUPS."— Presentation transcript:

1 16th RRI International Breast Cancer Support Conference Taipei. Taiwan. 10 th -12 th November 2011 Concurrent 1.6 CAPACITY BUILDING FOR SUPPORT GROUPS. A.RECRUITING VOLUNTEERS & BUILDING NETWORKS. Ann Steyn. President. Reach to Recovery International.

2 What is a volunteer? A person who freely offers to do something. A person who works for an organisation without being paid. Volunteerism is the use of volunteers, especially in community services. Oxford Dictionary.

3 Use of Volunteers Volunteers extend the resources of an organisation. Volunteers can become visible advocates for an organisation Peer support volunteers have a credibility that paid staff never have.

4 Volunteer Recruitment It is a personal choice to become a volunteer. Recruitment of volunteers requires a specific approach. There is no monetary reward Volunteers offer time and skills They will only be interested in becoming a volunteer if they are motivated to do so.

5 Volunteer Recruitment *To attract volunteers you need to focus on what your organisation does. *Identify your needs and the volunteer roles *Design volunteer job description / criteria *Design a recruitment plan *Use various avenues to promote the plan

6 Volunteer Recruitment Survey existing members of group. Encourage new members, who with time may wish to volunteer. Keep in contact. Health professionals can help to identify potential volunteers Use website/newsletter to show volunteer activities. Include instructions as to how to apply. Ensure programmes are relevant

7 Working with Volunteers The following points are essential for the successful recruitment and retaining of volunteers. Matching job and volunteer: time and expertise Clearly define the expectations required of volunteer Provide suitable training Provide on going support

8 Working with Volunteers Ensure volunteer programme is evaluated regularly. Recognise volunteers and thank them. Volunteers gain from their experience in many ways. This includes increasing their knowledge and skills, and networking with other like minded organisations

9 Building Networks “The organising unit of the 21 st century is the network.” Andrew Zolli. Founder Z+partners Social networks connect organisations or individuals with common interests and goals.

10 Building Networks * Working together in a partnership can help solve common problems. * Networks can play an important role in community education and advocacy. * A partnership of organisations speaking with one voice carries more influence than 1 organisation

11 Conclusion. Recruiting volunteers together with building networks are essential components of a successful volunteer programme. A successful volunteer programme will enhance the organisation, benefit patients as well as the volunteer.

12 References Volunteer Recruitment Handbook. S Ellis Energize.Inc 1996 * Volunteer Management. L Rogers ACS Volunteer Recruitment, Screening andSelection.

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