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Cultural Literacy? By: Alex Ruiz.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Literacy? By: Alex Ruiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Literacy? By: Alex Ruiz

2 Cultural Literacy Knowledge of History, contributions, and perspectives of different cultural groups.

3 Hispanic/American Culture
Hispanic Culture is different compared to American Culture, Because of our many customs and traditions.

4 I Myself am of Hispanic culture along with African American
I Myself am of Hispanic culture along with African American. I grew up more around my Hispanic family and adapted to their customs


6 One big tradition is a Quinceanera or Fiesta de quince anos is a hispanic celebration of coming of age for a girls 15th birthday. It marks the age maturity and transition from childhood to young womanhood. Much like the American Sweet sixteen. Although a quince is much more traditional and is strongly apart of the hispanic culture and its customs

7 Quinceanera A quinceanera has two parts to it, it consists of a church mass then a reception or banquet Some things done at a quince to show maturity is the crowning of the quinceanera, the changing of shoes and a doll that resebles the look of the person Her clothing is much like a princess or wedding style dress that is big and Fancy.

8 Family life/ values Hispanic Family’s are more of a close group and it often includes not just the kids and parents but also extended family. They all take care of each other and strongly live up to and are all about “Familia”.

9 What’s the difference? The difference between Hispanic culture and American culture all together is that the bond and values and structure is enforced more and following tradition and discipline is strongly expressed.


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