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Faisal Abdillahi White 2. A…is for Abdominals  They are the muscles that are between your pelvis and thorax.

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Presentation on theme: "Faisal Abdillahi White 2. A…is for Abdominals  They are the muscles that are between your pelvis and thorax."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faisal Abdillahi White 2

2 A…is for Abdominals  They are the muscles that are between your pelvis and thorax.

3 B…is for Bicep  It is the anterior part of the upper arms. This muscle has two heads.

4 C…is for Cardiac Muscle  Striated muscle in the heart. It contracts to help the heart pump blood throughout the body.

5 D…is for Deltoid  The deltoid is the muscle of the shoulder. It is made up of three different muscles.

6 E…is for Epithelium  Epithelium is the tissue that is composed of the cells that lines many structures of the body.

7 F…is for Femur  The femur is the bone of the thigh. It’s the longest and largest bone of the body.

8 G…is for Gingival  Consists of mucosal tissue and lies over the alveolar bone.

9 H…is for Heart  The heart is a muscular organ in all vertebrates. It’s responsible for pumping blood throughout the whole body.

10 I…is for Ileum  The ileum is the last region of the small intestine. It takes the food from the stomach into the large intestine.

11 J…is for Jejunum  The jejunum is the middle portion of the small intestine.

12 K…is for Keratin  Keratins are fibrous structural proteins that from hard structures.

13 L…is for Large Intestine  It is the end of the digestive system. It’s function is to absorb water and nutrients from food material.

14 M…is for Maxilla  The maxilla is the upper part of the jaw, which is attached to the skull and has no movement.

15 N…is for Nares  The nares are the nostrils of the nose. It’s one of the beginning airways of the respiratory system.

16 O…is for Orbital  Orbital is a word in anatomy that means pertaining to the eye.

17 for Patella  The patella is the anatomical word for the kneecap. It lies above the joint where the tibia and femur connect.

18 Q…is for Quadriceps  The quadriceps are the muscles that make up the anterior part of the upper leg. It is made up of four different muscles.

19 R…is for Retina  The retina is the tissue that lines the inner part of the eye.

20 S…is for Submandibular Gland  The submandibular gland lies in the mandible. It makes saliva and sends in into the mouth.

21 T…is for Triceps  The triceps are the posterior muscle of the upper arm. It consists of three separate muscles.

22 U…is for Ulna  The ulna is the larger of the two bones in the forearm. It also makes up the elbow.

23 V…is for Vein  The veins are the blood vessels in the body that take blood from the body towards to heart. Carries de-oxygenated blood.

24 W…is for White Blood Cells  White blood cells are the largest cells in your blood. They are part of your immune system and help you fight against infection.

25 X…is for X-chromosome  The x-chromosome is one of the two gender- determining chromosomes.

26 Y…is for Yellow Marrow  Yellow marrow is bone marrow that is yellow from fat. It is also found at the ends of long bones.

27 Z…is for Zygomatic Bone  The zygomatic bone is the prominence part of the cheek bone. It is a lateral part of the upper skull.

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