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Unit Review Algebra 1B By Mrs. Anderson. Translate the following sentences into expressions and equations 5 more than a number.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit Review Algebra 1B By Mrs. Anderson. Translate the following sentences into expressions and equations 5 more than a number."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit Review Algebra 1B By Mrs. Anderson

2 Translate the following sentences into expressions and equations 5 more than a number

3 12 less than a number

4 7 times a number

5 The sum of 4 and number divided by 10

6 The sum of 4 and a number is -21.

7 The product of 6 and a number is 42

8 Distribute and Simplify 5(x +3) 4 + 8(x -3) -(x -7) (x + 5)(5) + 20x

9 Simplify the expressions 4x -3 + 6x + 5w – 3 7t + 5(2t + 3) + 5 10y + 10y – 4r + 5r + 20g

10 Solve the following equations 1. 7t – 3t + 5 = 25 2. 5(c + 2) + 4 = 32

11 3. 4(r – 2) = 2 + 5(r + 2) 4. ½(t + 4) = 4 + 6t

12 Percents 1.45% of 1602. 69% of 22 3. 33% of 1004. 41% of 6,997,453 5. 46 is what % of 78. 6. 71 is what percent of 2000.

13 Exponents and Powers 8³ 8 is called the ________ 3 is called the ________ 3*3*3*3*3 = _____ 5³ = ____

14 Properties Anyone?? 1.3 + 5 + 6 = 6 + 3 + 5 2.(12 + 1) + 2 = 12 + (1 + 2) 3.If c=d and d=r then r=c 4.7 * 1 = 7 5.83 * 0 = 0 6.5(x + 6) = 5x +30

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