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The Creative Side and Message Strategy

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Presentation on theme: "The Creative Side and Message Strategy"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Creative Side and Message Strategy
Part 4: Effective Advertising Messages Chapter 12

2 Effective Advertising Messages
Part 4 examines breakthrough advertising, and how creatives are developing messages people want to watch and read

3 Chapter Outline Chapter Key Points
The Art and Science of Creative Advertising Creative Strategy Facets of Creative Strategy Planning and Managing Creative Strategy

4 Key Points Define creative advertising and explain how it leads to a Big Idea Describe the characteristics of creative people and their creative process Discuss key creative strategy approaches Outline the key parts of a creative brief

5 The Art and Science of Creative Advertising
The ROI of effective advertising Relevant, original, and has impact The Big Idea Implements the advertising strategy so that the message is both attention getting and memorable The Creative Leap Jumping from the strategy statement to an original idea that conveys the strategy in an interesting way

6 The ROI of Effective Advertising
Relevant Original Has impact

7 The Big Idea Implements the advertising strategy so that the message is both attention getting and memorable Video Snippet How AFLAC developed its ‘Big Idea’

8 The Creative Leap Jumping from the strategy statement to an original idea that conveys the strategy in an interesting way

9 Creative Thinking Free association Divergent thinking
Creates the juxtaposition of two seemingly unrelated thoughts Divergent thinking Uses exploration to search for all possible alternatives Analogies and metaphors Used to see new patterns or relationships Right-brain thinking Intuitive, nonverbal, and emotion-based thinking

10 Creative Characteristics
Creative Thinking Creative Roles Copywriters and art directors develop the creative concept and draft the execution of the advertising idea The Creative Person In advertising, creativity is both a job description and a goal Creative Characteristics Problem solving Ability to visualize Openness to new experiences Conceptual thinking

11 Young (and Rubicam) Wrote The Book on Creative Thinking
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12 Creative Strategy Where the art and science of advertising come together A Big Idea must be Creative Strategic Creative strategy What the advertisement says Also called message strategy Creative execution How it is said

13 Message Objectives Perception: create attention, awareness, interest, recognition, and recall Cognitive: deliver information and understanding Affective: touch emotions and create feelings Persuasion: change attitudes, create conviction and preference Transformation: establish brand identity and associations Behavior: stimulate some form of action

14 Head and Heart Strategies
Two basic approaches to translating message objectives into strategy Hard- and Soft-Sell strategies Hard Sell: touches the mind and creates a response based on logic Soft Sell: uses emotional appeals or images to create a response

15 Head and Heart Strategies
Most advertising messages use a combination of two basic literary techniques to reach the head or the heart of the consumer Lectures and Dramas Lecture: a serious instruction given verbally Drama: relies on the viewer to make inferences

16 Facets of Creative Strategy
Drive Perception Attention and awareness Interest Memory Drive Cognition These messages get consumers to learn about products by focusing on a product’s features

17 Facets of Creative Strategy
Touch Emotions Highlight psychological attraction of the product to the target audience through emotional responses Persuade Appeal Selling premises Conviction

18 Facets of Creative Strategy
Transform Product Branding Image advertising is used to create a representation in the customer’s mind Associations Drive Action A signature that serves to identify the company or brand Also serves as a call to action if it gives direction to the consumer about how to respond

19 Message Approaches Straightforward Demonstration Comparison
Problem solving/Problem avoidance Humor Slice of Life Spokesperson Teasers Shockvertising

20 Planning and Managing Creative Strategy
Creative brief Prepared by the account planner, summarizes the marketing and advertising strategy Vary in format, but must combine basic strategy decisions Strategy Decisions The problem The objectives The target market Positioning strategy Type of creative strategy Selling premise Execution suggestions

21 Planning and Managing Creative Strategy
Message execution The form in which the ad’s message is presented Message tone Reflects the emotion or attitude behind the ad Global campaigns Require ad work that addresses advertising objectives and reflects the positioning strategy Usually desirable to adapt the creative execution to the local market

22 The Go/No-Go Decision Assess the effectiveness of the ad’s creative features Structural analysis Copy testing

23 Steps and Stages Immersion Ideation Brainfog Incubation Illumination

24 Creative Strategy Where the art and science of advertising come together Creative strategy Creative execution

25 Message Objectives Perception Cognitive Affective Persuasion
Transformation Behavior

26 Messages That Drive Perception
Attention and awareness Interest Memory

27 Messages That Drive Cognition
These messages get consumers to learn about products by focusing on a product’s features

28 Messages That Touch Emotions
Highlight psychological attraction of the product to the target audience through emotional responses

29 Messages That Persuade
Appeal Selling premises Conviction

30 Messages That Transform a Product Into a Brand
Branding Image advertising is used to create a representation in the customer’s mind Associations

31 Wrigley: The Quintessential American Brand
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32 Messages That Drive Action
A signature that serves to identify the company or brand Also serves as a call to action if it gives direction to the consumer about how to respond

33 Planning and Managing Creative Strategy
The problem The objectives The target market Positioning strategy Type of creative strategy Selling premise Execution suggestions

34 Creative Strategy Brief
Figure 12.3

35 For Everything Else There’s MasterCard
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