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Delibašić M, Kraft K, Chair of Complementary medicine, University of Rostock, Germany.

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Presentation on theme: "Delibašić M, Kraft K, Chair of Complementary medicine, University of Rostock, Germany."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delibašić M, Kraft K, Chair of Complementary medicine, University of Rostock, Germany

2  To evaluate the effect of therapy with DENAS (dynamic-electro- neuro-adaptive-stimulation) in patients with unspecific chronic neck pain Design:  Bicentre observational study  Standard treatment + DENAS  NSAID intake unchanged  Standardised study protocol  Informed consent  Setting: In-patients of an 1. Orthopaedic rehabilitation clinic (clinic 1: male and female) 2. Rehabilitation clinic for mother and child (clinic 2: only females)


4 Inclusion  Age: 25-70 years  Chronic unspecific neck pain as main/add. diagnosis  Visual analogue scale (VAS) for pain between 3-10 cm at day of inclusion Exclusion  Specific neckpain  Inflammatory or rheumatic disease  Somatoform pain disorder  Metallic implant in the upper body area  Uncontrolled arterial hypertension  Larger skin injuries or acute skin diseases in the cervical spine area  Acute infection, tumor  Recent postoperative state in the cervical spine area  Alcohol or substance abuse  Recent aplication of acupuncture, neural- or electrotherapy in the cervical spine region

5  VAS (10 point scale): Main evaluation parameter  SES (standard pain perception scale, sensory and affective subdivision) (Edgar Geissner: Hogrefe 1996)  General rating of tolerability (patient)


7 [Nr. of diagnoses]


9 ±1.6 ±1.8 [cm] ±1.2 ±1.7 ±2.2

10 ±26.1 [%] p (sens) <0.001 p (aff) <0.001 p (sens) <0.001 p (aff) =0.02 ∑N=85 p (sens) <0.001 p (aff) =0.02 p (sens) <0.001 p (aff) =0.03

11 DENAS CLINIC 1 (N=24)DENAS CLINIC 2 (N=26) [%]

12 Adverse events Patients (N) Therapy Nr. Relation to DENAS Muscle tension 21.unknown Headache11. + 2.unknown Itching and burning 11.Yes: Overdose

13  During rehabilitation DENAS is an effective and well-tolerated treatment for patients with chronic unspecific neck pain.  It can be integrated without any problems into the regular treatment process in rehabilitation clinics in Germany.  During rehabilitation, treatment with DENAS is able to substitute other time consuming or personnel-intensive treatments

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