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Parts and Functions of the Ear

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Presentation on theme: "Parts and Functions of the Ear"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parts and Functions of the Ear

2 What is sound? Sound is the vibration of air molecules. Sound waves refer to the “ripples” created as the sound vibrations move out from the source.

3 The hearing mechanism Your fascinating ear!

4 Regions of the ear REGIONS OF THE EAR Regions of the ear


6 a. The pinna The function of the pinna is to capture sound waves.

7 g. The auditory canal The auditory canal has two functions:

8 1. To send sound waves to the middle ear.
2. To keep the ear clean of debris. a) cilia: hair b) cerumen: ear wax

9 f. The Tympanic Membrane

10 The tympanic membrane has two functions: 1. Seals off the middle ear.
2. Vibrates the ossicles (ear bones).


12 The ossicles the three smallest bones in the body
h. Malleus (hammer) i. Incus (anvil) j. Stapes (stirrup) (MIS)

13 Ligaments connect the malleus directly to the back of the tympanic membrane.
The stapes taps the cochlea to transmit sound vibrations to the inner ear.

14 e. Eustachian tube Has two functions:
Equalizes air pressure in the middle ear Drains the middle ear


16 b. semicircular canal c. cochlea
The semicircular canals maintain balance. The cochlea changes sound vibrations to nerve impulses.

17 The cochlea is spiral, hollow chamber of bone filled with liquid and thousands of nerve endings.

18 These nerve endings are triggered by vibrations sent through the liquid-filled cochlea. As the nerves exit the cochlea they combine together to become the auditory nerve.

19 d. The auditory nerve The auditory nerve is a collection of nerves sending nerve impulses to the brain.

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