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Country Report EAST AFRICA Tanzania Mauritius Uganda Eritrea.

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Presentation on theme: "Country Report EAST AFRICA Tanzania Mauritius Uganda Eritrea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Country Report EAST AFRICA Tanzania Mauritius Uganda Eritrea

2 Political Structure All of us are: Republic. Sovereign, democratic countries. Members of Commonwealth, AU, and S.A.D.C and Comessa except Tanzania. Free Press Independent Judiciary Multi party system, except Uganda

3 ECONOMY  Free Market Economy

4 ECONOMY Mauritius GDP: 3,600 us$ per capita income Inflation 4% Currency Rs.28. / 1us$ Tanzania 270 GNI per capita 6% Tsh. 1038/ 1us$ Uganda 250 us per capita 1% Ush.1800/ 1 us$ Eritrea 173us$ per capita 8.9% 18.00 Nakfa/1US$

5 ECONOMY Population Growth 1.3% Economic Growth 4.6 % Population 1.2millions 2.8 % 4.6% 35 millions 3.4% 5% 25.8 millions 3.5% 8.8% 4.4 millions

6 Export Mauritius Sugar and Textile mainly Tanzania Coffee, Tea, Cotton, Tobacco, Cashewnut,Sisal and cloves. Uganda Cotton, Coffee, Vanilla, Tobacco, Tea, Flowers and Cocoa Eritrea Cotton Fish Flower Animals

7 Imports All the countries import most of their basic needs.

8 Globalisation  All four countries suffer the same consequences i.e :  Privatisation of Public Utilities  Retrenchment  Contract Work  Part Time  Increased un-employment  Economic disparities  Growth of informal sector  Emergency of EPZ.

9 Trade Union Organisation Structure Mauritius Con-Federation Federation Sectoral Unions Tanzania FEDERATION Sectoral Unions Uganda Federation Sectoral Unions Eritrea Confederation FEDERATION Base Union

10 TU. ORG. cont. Mauritius  Annual general meeting of each T.u.  Executive committee appointed delegates to the Fed.  Federation appoint delegates to the con.Fed. Tanzania  General congress after 5 years.  General national council  Executive committee  Secretariat TUCTA Uganda  Quinquinnal delegates conference  Central governing council  Finance, administration and general committee  Notu Secretarial Eritrea  Congress  Central Committee  Executive committee  Secretariat

11 TU. Org. cont. Mauritius  Membership: 80% in the public sector, 25% in the private sector.  Total labour force: 500,000  No. of unions: 300  Fed. 11  Confe. 5 Tanzania  Membership 430,000, 1/3women  Labour force:2.5%  No of Tu.: 15  Fed. 2 Uganda  Membership 150,000,men 93305, women 52806  Labour force: 3millions  No. of Unions: 21  Fed.1 Eritrea  Membership: 23,000, men 63%, women 37%  Total labour force  Trades Unions:235 branches.  Federation 1

12 TU. Training Programmes All centres have education directorate/ department which coordinate with the departments of trade unions in planning and conducting of TU. Education activities. Financial resources mainly dependant from internal/ external sources.

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