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Instructions Please find a time within the school schedule or after school to complete this assignment in group. If you can’t meet within the school schedule.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions Please find a time within the school schedule or after school to complete this assignment in group. If you can’t meet within the school schedule."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructions Please find a time within the school schedule or after school to complete this assignment in group. If you can’t meet within the school schedule or after school, you can divide the activities and email your project to your friends once your part has been completed. Please email me your final project at or bring it to me in a flash drive and I will copy it onto my computer. Also, please follow these simple labeling instructions: Type your period first and then the last name of your classmates separated by a hyphen ( - ). Ex: B4 Smith – Perez – Medina – Rogers Finally, your will see “information bubbles along the PowerPoint, use them to follow instructions, once you do what the bubbles ask you to do, you can delete them. !Buena Suerte!

2 Spanish accents If you are working on a desktop computer, while holding down ALT type the following numbers: ALT 160 = á AL T 130 = é ALT 161 = í ALT 162 = ó ALT 163 = ú ALT 164 = ñ ALT 165 = Ñ ALT 168 = ¿ ALT 173 = ¡

3 You will find a picture that represents each sport and will provide the English equivalent for each one.

4 Group Assessment #1 Los deportes más comunes en español ( The most common sports in Spanish ) El verbo GUSTAR as in “gustaría.” Group members Myles Henson Type the name of your classmates inside the square. Delete this bubble when done!

5 Página 198. Los Deportes (page 198. The Sports) Go to the search engine of your choice and look for an image that represents the sport described on the left. El fútbol Soccer Type here the English equivalent.

6 Página 198. Los Deportes (page 198. The Sports) Go to the search engine of your choice and look for an image that represents the sport described below El vóleibol Type here the English equivalent.

7 Página 198. Los Deportes (page 198. The Sports) Go to the search engine of your choice and look for an image that represents the sport described below El golf Type here the English equivalent.

8 Página 198. Los Deportes (page 198. The Sports) Go to the search engine of your choice and look for an image that represents the sport described below El tenis Type here the English equivalent.

9 Página 198. Los Deportes (page 198. The Sports) Go to the search engine of your choice and look for an image that represents the sport described on the left. El béisbol Type here the English equivalent.

10 Página 198. Los Deportes (page 198. The Sports) Go to the search engine of your choice and look for an image that represents the sport described on the left. El básquetbol Type here the English equivalent.

11 Página 198. Los Deportes (page 198. The Sports) Go to the search engine of your choice and look for an image that represents the sport described on the left. El fútbol americano Type here the English equivalent.

12 You will create 5 invitations and for all of them your will offer an excuse for being unable to go.

13 Common excuses 1. Lo siento, pero no puedo. Tengo que …. 1. I’m sorry but I can’t. I have to… 2. Gracias, pero no puedo. Tengo que… 2. Thanks but I can’t. I have to… 3. ¡Que triste! No, no puedo ir contigo. Tengo que 3. How sad! No, I can’t go with you. I have to…

14 Follow this model or see p 202 for more details. GUSTARIA(would like) IMegustaría YouTegustaría He/she/itLegustaría WeNosgustaría Ya’llOsgustaría TheyLesgustaría Q: ¿Te gustaría ir de camping este fin de semana? If you don’t want to say “este fin de semana” you can also use a day of the week: este martes, este viernes, etc A: Lo siento, pero no puedo. Tengo que estudiar para un examen. THIS IS A MODEL

15 GUSTARIA(would like) IMegustaría YouTegustaría He/she/itLegustaría WeNosgustaría Ya’llOsgustaría TheyLesgustaría Create your question here! Delete this bubble when done! Q: ¿ ? A: Provide your excuse here! (see slide 13 for examples. Delete this bubble when done! The concert

16 GUSTARIA(would like) IMegustaría YouTegustaría He/she/itLegustaría WeNosgustaría Ya’llOsgustaría TheyLesgustaría Create your question here! Delete this bubble when done! Q: ¿ ? A: Provide your excuse here! (see slide 13 for examples. Delete this bubble when done! The party

17 GUSTARIA(would like) IMegustaría YouTegustaría He/she/itLegustaría WeNosgustaría Ya’llOsgustaría TheyLesgustaría Create your question here! Delete this bubble when done! Q: ¿ ? A: Provide your excuse here! (see slide 13 for examples. Delete this bubble when done! The dance

18 GUSTARIA(would like) IMegustaría YouTegustaría He/she/itLegustaría WeNosgustaría Ya’llOsgustaría TheyLesgustaría Create your question here! Delete this bubble when done! Q: ¿ ? A: Provide your excuse here! (see slide 13 for examples. Delete this bubble when done! The match

19 GUSTARIA(would like) IMegustaría YouTegustaría He/she/itLegustaría WeNosgustaría Ya’llOsgustaría TheyLesgustaría Create your question here! Delete this bubble when done! Q: ¿ ? A: Provide your excuse here! (see slide 13 for examples. Delete this bubble when done! Go fishing

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