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Revision techniques Department of German Dr Tracy Johnson.

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1 Revision techniques Department of German Dr Tracy Johnson

2 What should revision do? 1.Check your understanding 2.Make links and connections 3.Remind yourself of forgotten material 4.Reinforce your learning 5.Identify and fill gaps in knowledge (Cottrell: 2006)

3 What is effective revision? Where you interact with the material and make it meaningful to yourself. (Cottrell: 2006)

4 How to revise What do you do already? Active learning: Creation not consumption Involves the whole mind and body Learn by doing the task Works on different levels simultaneously

5 Acquire information Make sure you understand both the ‘big picture’ and the ‘core themes’ Use your senses: VAK Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic Proactive methods – create don’t consume!

6 Search out meaning Mind-maps: Patterns Relationships Themes Work with others Use mock questions to apply ideas

7 Trigger recall Condense information to key terms – ‘pack up’ knowledge Mind Maps/diagrams – use of senses Mnemonics/Acronyms Object-association/Memory ‘Palaces’ Rehearse recall

8 Mindful state What helps you get in the right state to revise successfully? Planned time Reverse time-line Breaks and time off Variety Maximise concentration

9 Mindful state Location: Well lit/ventilated/heated Free from distractions History of success Being with the right people Well-being: Sleep Lack of anxiety – sense of control Avoid stimulants

10 Bloom’s Taxonomy of Skills 1.Recall 2.Comprehension 3.Application 4.Analysis 5.Synthesis 6.Evaluation

11 Analysis is: Being systematic and thorough Breaking it down into its component parts Internal analysis – how does the argument work? External analysis – contextualise it Could you explain it to someone else? A largely objective process Always asking questions

12 Criticism is: Offering your interpretation Weighing up, judging, justifying Comparing and contrasting with other sources to evaluate Considering a range of perspectives Always asking questions A largely subjective process

13 When practising: Start by brainstorming Then draft an outline plan Consider fresh angles Think of a range of perspectives Time yourself for a full answer Write down the timings in the exam

14 Thank you and good luck!

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